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The Board Of Supervisors

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The republicans made a big fight :or the board of supervisors but were unsuccessful, fifteen democrats are kndwn to have been elected and en republicans, with three towns to o hear from. The democrats gained a supervisor in Sylvan and lost one in Salinend Ann Arbor city. The following were elected meflibers of the board: Ann Arbor city - ist ward - John R. Miner, R. 2d ward - Eugeae Oesterlin, D. 3d ward - John J. Fischer, R. 4thward - George H. Pond, R. 5th ward - Thomas Speechly,R. óthward - Evart H. Scott, R. Ann Arbor town - Charles Braun, 1) Augusta - Bridgewater - George Walter, D. Dexter - Thomas McQuillan, D. Freedom - Michael Alber, D. Lima - Walter Dancer, D. Lodi - Michael Grosshans, D. Lyndon - Thomas Young, D. Manchester - Willis Watkins,D. Northfield - Frank Duncan, D. Pittsfield- Morton F. Case, R. Salem - Saline - Edward A. Hauser, R. Scio- Byron Whittaker, D. Sharon- W. B. Osborne, D. Superior - Sylvan - Hiram Lighthall, D. Webster- Edwin Ball, R. York - Alfred Davenport, D. Ypsilanti town - John L. Hunter, R. Ypsilanti city - ist district - David Edwards,R. 2d district - John M. Forsythe, D'.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News