Lindholm's Shortage
Lansin'O. April 3. - Secretary of State öardner arrived from Albion Monday morning, and he and Deputy Selden at, once set about fignring out the exact amount of es-Deputy Lindholm's shortage. The books showed that his acts had been duly settled to March 1, but that from that date untü March 31, when he turned over the business to Deputy Solden, the miscellaneous rtoeipts l'or certificates, certified copies, etc., were 6114.40, none of which was either on hand or accounted for. His last deposit of franchise nioney was made with the state treasurer March 9, his total deposita to that date for the month being $2,4(8.2j. The state treasurer'a check for this total, and miscellaneous checks for other fianchise fees, received since March 9. and auiounting to $554.11, were found in his desk. This would inake a total of $3,032.36 of franchise money. which he left bihind. The records, however, show that the oorporation desk earued 84,255 from March 1 to March 21. so it is evident that in addition to postale money and miscellaneous fees, he stole $1,232.64 from the franchise fund. The total amount of his defalcation. therefore. is 1,958.13. His bboks appear to be correct for the balance of his term of office, but there will be at once a thorough overhauling to see if he took any franchise or miscellaneous fees previous to this month. Among the papers Liudholm left behind were two checks drawn on an Ishpeming bank by J. W. Jochim in favor of August W. Liudholm. One is for 8166.67. the other for $135. Lindholm's store and stock at Ishpeming are estimated to be worth $3,000. His Chicago property is valued at about the same figure. The family will not go to Sweden, as Liudholm advised. They will reraain in Lansing, although they have very little ready money. Secretary Uardner found the following letter in hs mail upon his arrival here. New York, Maweh 2. To Hon. Washington Garduer, Lansing, Mich.: When I last Monday night went to Chigo. I did not think it should be difficult to sell a property 1 have in Mergent Parkfone of Chicago' s suburbs) atr least for half price, but it is impossible to sell it at any price. 1 am short in my account with the state, and although I have some property I cannot realize the amount ueeded. In April last year I had $468 of the state's money in the Central .Michigan SavinKs bank. There is over &Í00 yet left. Last fall and winter 1 was hard pressed for money in running my store in ishpeming, and I borrowed some of the cash, with the intention of paying it back this summer, and I have been saving$l(X) a month of my salary in payiiig debts. If I had got my f uil term as deputy secretary of state, or for that in a few monthe more, I would have been square with the state. No security that I eould now give would help, however, I suppose, and I have to leave countny, family and everything dear to me, and go to unknown lands to save my poor wife and children the disgrace of having me arrested and convioted to jail. I have only enough money with me to get out of the country, and what will happen then after I do not know. In my desk will be found checks for the amount I have lei Please let my boy Iih c .is job as long as you can, and (iod bless you for your kindness. My belongings nuiv be enough to pay all debts, if they could be sold to advantage, and I give up everything cheerfully, not claiming any exemption. I am so downhearted tbat 1 only pray to God to cali me away. Forgive me.
Ann Arbor Argus
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