A Pair Of Burglars Arrested
F LINT, April 2.- Joseph Shuler and Charles Avery. two notorions burglars, were arrested in Saginaw Öaturday by Sheriff arner of this city. The men are wantod for breaking and entering the house of Henry Bedtelyon. a Montrose, (Genesee county.) farmer, on the night of March 88 and stealing a large amount of personal property. Shuler haa servet" seveial terius in state's prison, being sent up from Oakland aud Saginaw counties. and has just finished' serving a three year's sentence for grand larce,y cominitted here. Avery bas given the Saginaw pólice no end of trouble. . Both men in default of 1,000 bail eac'h are in jail awaiting their examina tion.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News