State Items
Kife lake was frozen over all last week. It is said that tliis is the. first time in 11 years tliat it hs been frozen over In the spring af ter it lias once brok en up. .Miss Ohapin, principal of the Charlevoix high school, lias resigned with the expeetation of entering tlie missionary iield in China, her brother being alreitdy engaged in that service. Albert F. Harrison of Adrián, better known as "Lengthy," wbile digging horse radish Saturday morning, feil forwaiil suddenly and was dead v hen discovered, h face being in a pool of water. Oitizens of Sanilac Center and Carsonville are Ketting theil heads togetliev and tatkiug up the great benefits that wauiü accrue to each place if they were connected by an electric railroad. At the present time the prospeets are good that one ill be built sonie time in the near future.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News