Grand Opening 1 will give my Spring Opening Thursday, it wiD jtiy you to step in and ee our fine display of 1IATS trimmed and mtrimmed . MRS. A. M. OTTO, Cor. 4tli Ave. and E. Wash. TdUÏS ROHDE, CoalandWood LeliiRli Valléy ('oal. $6.50 per ton. Beecti and Maple Blocks, $2.20 a con!. Beeeh and Maple, 4 feet, $-5.00 a cord. Main Office- 36 E. Huron Street. Yards -50 West Huron Street. Sheriff s Sale. TTOïJi:E IS HEHEBV GIVEN TH AT HV 1 virtueoi a v.i-it of tieri facías, issued out of ihe Circuit Court tor the County of Washênaw, lu tire state of Michigan, li favor of James A. Jayoox. araiiist the gooda and cliattelsoiHl i-i'nl ostaic ijC Adolph Hoffstetter, in s;ii(! county, tu me directed and delivered, I diil on the dfili dnyof Pebruary, A.D.18B4, kvy upon mikI t:ike all the rigrht, title and iutiM-i'st of the said Adolpl) HoiTstctterin andto the iiillow iuR tlescrlbed real estáte, that is to ;iv. All Ihose certain i)iei'es or pairols of lan:l, fitnatéd and beloof on section twentyninei'-'iii. ii1 towuship number two (21 south ol range uunibei s iC i iu-t, State of Michigan. knowa, bonndcd mul desorlbed as follows, vi: BegiDulup in the c-onter of a bighway loailiii'-' WttitOrl.v ou! of the City Of nn AHior. known ■, the Ëber rt hite road, threeand oneiifiH rods wcsti'ily inm the poutb-eas1 corner (f i acres BOld ny John Allen and his wlfe l James Kingsley on the flrsl day of Fobruary, A. D. W ;iii(t nuinlug i henee westerly along said road four rods; tbence north one and lue-fourth degrees east aix chaina und fortyivo links: ttience north sevemyflve deirrees ■ast parallel t the ruad thirty-three links or ,o far ttiai counte tiovth iwo chains and Mu'hty linie? wlll strikt' the land (onnerly wne'd iiv Jacob Kempf one chain and one In te westerly of the north-west corner of Hui formerly owned by George Granville: heoce eanterly parallel to the road n said rrauville's umi; thenoe south three ohains oanorhej corner of the said land formerly iwned by tl ai'l Granville; tbence westerly Mrnllel to the roal aboul thirty-six buks: ;lieBoe soutli t vo démeos and tlurty minutes irestsix chalnsand twenty-flve links to the place of befrinninff, belngthe same 'and tliat toas conveyed to Daniel Murray by Charles Blelcher liy deed f conveyance dated the fiL'l-.ih day of .lanuary, 1862. and recorderi in the orh'ce of the Keu "ter of Deeds for the i'ou ty of Waahteuaw, in Líber 32 of Deeda ou page 790: Als.i that certain piece or parcel of land sltaateand boingon sectlon twenty nine (29) i ii tounshi)) iwo iái eoutli of rarixe six 1.6) east, State "l Michiiian.known, bounded and descriljed as IdIIcais. vi.: Bpginnlngr In theeën ter of (he highwaj leading westerly out of ihf city of Aun Arbor, Unown as tlie Eber White oad, one chain and eigbty-ssven and one-ball links wenterly aloné the center of aid road froni the snuth-east corner oí six acres ld by .luim Allen and wife to James Kin(is!ey on February flrst. I83S, and rnnninp theiici "weslerly alonir said road four rods; thenee north parallel to 'lie east line Of Kingslev 's purchase 8ix clmins and sixty-five links: tnencc easterly parallel with the Wliittroad sixty-tv.o and one-half links; thence north two chalns aud slxty links: thence easterly oarallel wltb the White road one Chain and one link orbalf way to QeorgeGranvllle's corner; t henee south parallel to theeast line of the Kingsley purehase two chains aud elgbty links; tbence westerly parallel to the White road thirry-three links or so far that a oourse south one degree and flfteen minutefl weslwill strike the place of begrinninjr; and (rom i henee south one degree and fifteeu minutes weet six ehains and foity-five links to the place f beginning. All of which l shall exposé to sale at public anction or vendiie to the highest bidder al the south door of the Court House in thecitj Of Ann Arbor in suiil county, that beiiiK the plaoe of bolding the circuit eourt for the said county of Washtenaw. on Suturday, the twenty-flrst day of April, A. D. 18!M. next, at ten o'olock in the torenoon of that day. Dated tbis Brsi day of Mareh. A. I). 18!. THOS. I'. LÈONAKD, .1. W. Ki mvit. Deputy Sheriff. At torn ey. Notice to Creditors. SÏATE OF MICHIGAN, COUNTY oi Washtenaw, ss. Notice is Itereby giveu, thatbyan order "I ilie Probate Court for the Couuiy of Washtpnaw. made on the 16th dayoi Maivl', A. 1). 1 S'.t i, six montha from that date wore allowpil tor credHom to present iheir claimt agaiust theestate of Elzabeth McGQinness.late of snid county. deceased, and that all ereditors ff said deoeased are lequiredto present theirclaimsto said I'robiite Couii, ut the Probate OÖice in the city of Ann Arbor, lorexaminaiion andallowance. on or bcfoie thp lïth day of September next, and thatnuch cIh'uuk will be heard before 3aid Court , on the if'lh daj oí June, and on the l.'ith day of September next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of eacli of said days. Dattil Ann Arhor. Mareh 15, A. D. 189. ,( WHXAKD RAKBtTT, ludiré oí Vrobaíí,
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News