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Mrs. II. Leeson and" soa Addis spent i Tuesday at Saline. Miss May Aylesworth visited Men ds in Clinton a few clays, last week. A new band was organized a week ago, witu A. W. Jaynes as leader. Miss Huida Koch, of Detroit, has been visiting her iriend, Miss Bertha Lahn. Miss Isabelle Millen, who visited a weekatHillsdale, returned home last Saturday. Mrs. Eev. Bachman, of Detroit, spent a few days visiting at Rev. Schoettle's. A great many went to Bridgevvater last Tuesday to attend the funeral ot' Mrs. Bauer. Mrs. Win. Leur and children visited her sister, Mrs.Wm.Arnold at Tecuinseh, last week. Lust Kuhl went to Clinton, Tuesday to attend the wedding of bis cousin, Frank Dettling. Miss Ella Brann commenced the spring term of school in the Dorr district last Monday. Miss Julia Kirchhofer commenced the spring term of school in the Pierce district last Monday. Holland Hall visited bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Servis, at Sharon a few days last week. Miss Hanna Rehfuss spent a few days last week at Chelsea, visiting her aunt. Mrs. P. Lehman. Tlie entertainment by A. Lincoln Kirk at Arbeiter hall, Wednesday eve)iin;i, was well attended. The dinner served at union block on Monday by the ladies of the Baptist church was very well attended. Miss Lincoln and Miss Crumby, teachers of the Blissfield school, e d the unión school last Mouday. Mrs. Frank Morey. of Detroit, spent a few days last week visiting her pareuts, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Wells. II. Addis Leeson, who has been spendiughis vacation atthis place, returned to Albion to resume his studies. Mis. Swentland an childreu, of Scio, drove to Manchester last Wednesday to visit her brother, J. Ranschenberger. H. Kirchhofer, who í'or some weeks has been at Anu Arbor hospital,where he bad his eye operated upon, returued home Friday. Miss May Henion, of Manchester township, is attending the high school; Willie Martin, of Bridgewater, the grammar room. Mrs. Millerand daughter Anna, who have been spendint; the winter with lier mother, Mis. Holïman, returned to Fargo, S. D. The Irish drama, "Lanty Lannagan" will be given at Arbeiter hall, Tuesday evening, New scenery has been painted tor the play and fine costumes will be procured. i'eter Eyan, of tuis place, takes a prominent part and all that have heard him will be anxious to leir him in this play.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News