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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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RfinnHi? üfif fíiifFK f n mf i i Tho-s-irds of 1 ■■"■'.' tmii M '■' 7c .';■ ' Men are annunlly swept to a premature grave I throogh rij indtse r 't ion rd latar cmsos. LelL abuso and Oonstitutional Blood I Diguanes qhvo i uïnsd tkI tvreeked tue liLe of many a pro:nising yonng man. Have you I Mty f "'f followius Symptom.-: Nerveus .'.nd Despondent; Tired in Mormng: ho Ambima Son; Memory Poor; ÊfeaMy F,.tLgu3d: Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur: Pimples on I ih !v'-f Dreims and Draina at Ni-jht; Hosties; Haggard Looking; Blotchee; Sore I fhröat: Hnir Loost; l'ains in Body; Snaken Eyes: LifelRss; Distroetful and Ijack ot ïflt!"rry and Btr ngt'.i. Oof J%tc Veilmd Tnatment'sui build you up mentauy, physicaliy I citterson. Read jfiDO VUycnV S. ifCDfiAM Havel JÊ What UHö KU1S1L.U I HtnUAW Donel fÊ?'' 'Z&ï %L " A.t 1 yenrs r,r ase I learned a bad habit which almost rnined H (ffT' Y me. I becatne nervous and woak. M.y back tronbled me. I conld 18 i" Sf Ktar.d no exertion. ilead and eyea bocame dulJ. Dreams and P V draina at uhxht wi-akened me. I tried soven Modical Firme, ElecÏBJv _t=5á trie -Bolts, Patent Medicina and Family Doctors. They gave me SI SÍN. & A iriend advised me totrj Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. They 1 Ira-Tyi "'"" me "" ' morltll's treatment andit cured me. l coald feei ra tcÍÍÍ&tPÍlÍIÍÍ myelí ainins eveiy day. Their New Afethod Treatment cure when ï r iri'iZt m mif ctll 'die failt." ïhcy have cored many of my friends." i m nmni i un mum. H ' " yM "Somo 8 years ago I contractod a serions constitutional blood 9 TO wMiÚ lüseafie. 1 wer.t to HotSprings to treat forsyphilis. Mercary almost Ci Cj "nilU killed me. After a while the symptoma again appeared. ïhroat a V t,_ - ijl became sore, pain9 in limbs, pimplea on face, blotohes, eyes red, U l i-J losH of liair' slands enlarged. etc. A medical friend advised Drs. M ? {''vTSW Kennedy ie Krrtrau's Now Method ïreatment. It cnred me, and I have ■ -=:::ÍJí4r had no'aMnptom for five years. I am married and happy. As a H v==í-ápTSto doctor, Í heartüy recomend it to all who have tuis terrible disease- m Cureío yeuTbusu! typhUis." lt-will eradicate the poison frora the blood." i eJSTd 15 YEARS ÍN DETROIT. 150,000 CURED. ?5Í3 " I ara 8' years oE ase, and married. When young I led a f i' W BW life. Early indiscrotions and later excesses made trouble 9 S ' "S 1 for I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became 51 ? ' y W aifected and I feared Bright's disease. Marrisd lif i was nnsatism ti .J P factory and my home unhappy. I tried everything- all failed till V Z$" vS I took treatment f rom Urn. Kennedy and Kergan. Their New A wl Method bnilt me up meatally, physically and sexually. I teel ■ j. ij-fe and actlikeamaninevery rospect. Try them." I V JCT tw No Ñames Used Without Written 1 iÉ7ïfrsLfei Consent of Patiënt. i -y ivi Rii_xl.. J T..4.xnitt never fails in curing Diseases of men. lOur New metnod Treatment it strengthens the body, stops aii aj draiiiH and losses, purifios the blood, clears the brain, boüds up the nervoua and sexual ■ eystems and restores lost vitality tothe body. B 'We Guarantee to Cure Nervous Oeblllty, Kailingr MsMiliood, HypbllDt.VHtlcocele, trlcture,Gleet, tnaatural Olscharges, Weak j-arts and All Kicliiey and Bladder uiseases. 1 SSrAíHriánm Dra. Kennedy & Kergan we the leading specialiats of ! KI iVIr Wl Kr K America. They gaarantee to cure or no pay. Their repu1 II t If lYll#V.Il tetion and fiftoen yeard of business are at stake. Yoa 18 run no risk. Write them for an honest opinión, no matter who treated you. lt may H save yon yeara of rogret and auCforini;. Charges roasonable. Write for a Ouestion List and Book F ree. Consul tation Fren, 148 Shelby St. Detroit, Mich. rasramnM


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