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rgjij IJLlfJi THE CREATEST h j ■ BLOOD PURIFiERj KNOWN. 3 This Great Germán Medicina h i ' M CHEAPEST and best. yjH doses ;■' i of Sulphur Bitters for $1.00, le.;s g q than ono cent a dose. jpawwiKEEaa'; ;- X It will euro the worst #T)011u & S kmd of skindisease, talLe BLUE F , p!e on the face to #morcurVthev F 3 thatawfuldlsease, aTe Z'adlv E SCROFULA. Ia#putyourtnjstp[ d all cases of suca #in g J h mtr & 4 6tubborn, deep #ters the nurct ! ca.te,d dsetfes' and 'best L ÍM1)P F Bltte,rscine ever made. f j i8thebestmed-#isyourTONCUE & 3 m% t0USe COATED with a p - S yellow sticky sub. f ! 4 !Ly ttle# Breath foul and f ' PAY' B fensive? Your f I s;"HMiWwiiwr ach is Out of Order. Ê ■ Use Sulphur Bitters immediatcly. E 3 If you are sick, no matter whüfc ■ ■ ails you, use Sulphur Bitters. i Don't wait until you are tinable t m to walk, or are flat on your back, f 3 but get some AT ONCE, it wílí '.' s cure you. Sulphur Bitters is H THE INVALID'S FRIEND, Í Send 3 2-oent stfttnps to A. P. Orrlw.-.y j liostun, Mass., i'or best medical worlí publiaiit" I Michigan Cmdíal " The Magara Falls Route." TIMETABLK (Kevlsed) FEBEOARY 11, 1814. CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. "5 o a" , L :3 : Si 0 'Occ :""Zi '. 5 O ft a Ö.S. es S-l as ; ■"■ SS j&l :5 i a: -t ; 1 1 o ío v tco _(j ü5 ua jtfJtOL- 1 s s m : :sa I m 1 aa" ■■ : a 2 - : : : : : sí k i a o, ; : : : & Oo ■ ' ■-- ■ 'o ! 00 -.iría -oo z "- : : :s : ;&, 1 i--1 ■ : i"1' i ti a TTi ! 3 3 ! L I S a : : : : : ë w a : ; : : & 3 a : : : o. a ?j 1 : 'SS? já 2 -i? : S : : ;üSS pe I o : : [ !?■-■ g-o ; is i : ::'" o. Eg ! : ; : z ?. 3, 1 g& ! ; i ; S ce ;a; ; ; ;t.s m I ;= ; ;;: a iw s- ; : ■ -r oo ' pie 'ouj '10S5 I t rc ; o - 1 ; - -r "H co ;ií:5 ; ; jj S-! O O N ! ÏS ! j 0GÖ4 í a a ss j si s C3 da C.S. - cö rt O. 1 i i : i Uí íj ! : i !j M ;s lili iljlii i ilsi : i i ; l! fililí!!!! s IIIMüs O.W. EUGGLES, H. W 1ÍAYER. O. '. & T. Aïcnt, Ohtcaso. Aff't Aun A or. , TOLEDO n 1 VNORTH MICHIGAN] iT 5J? RAILWAY. Lj - Hl ! _ -) ■ " .-. : r-i íM3 : m Time TABI.E IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 5, 93. Traías Leuvo Aun Arbor. SOUTH. SOUTH. 7:15 a. m. T:Jñ a. rn. 12:16 p. m, 1 1 :.'0;i. m. 4:Í5 ]). ni. I !I:OU p. m "l'raiiis run between Anu Ailiorand Toledo only. W. H. BENNETT. H. S. GREENWOOD, G. P. A., Toledo Ohio. Ag-ent. ron Particdlars&MBWMB WRITESaiB Sherwood ílarr.ess Co., aueurn, N.Y. Commissioners' Notice. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, COÜNTY Ö „i Washteusw. Tlie uudetsigned huviug beeu appointed ly tbe Probate Court tov saio Coonty, conimissiouers to receive, exiimiue and adjust all claims and demands of all penóos ainuBt ihe estáte oí John W. Hunt, late o( suid county, efeceased, liereby siTe notice thai aix uiontbe from date are ullowed, by order of suid Probate Coiut lor credit oreto present their claims againstthe catate of said (Jeceased, and that. they will meel at the office oí' tílihu B. l'ond, in Ule cilyol' Aun Arbor iusaid county, od the 21st (!ay of May and ou tbe 'Oth ay oí' August next, at ten o'clocka. m.ot cach of said days to receive, examine and adjust said claims. Dated february iotb, is:)4. BL1HU 1!. POND. LEONHARD GHUNEE, Coramissioners. HAVING REMOVED Mï SHOI' - TO KRAPF'S PLANING MSLL J ira now better prepared than ever before todo til worl n woott turnlng and pattern nmkirifí wit.h neatness áncl dispatch. ALPHEUS H. ROYS.


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