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Brand Opening I will give nu Spiing Opening rillirsday, il will pay you to step in and iee oui v ui MATS nimmed and antrimm . A. M. OTTO, Cor. 4tli Ave. and E. Wash. LOUIS ROEDE, CoaiandWood Lehigli Valley Coal, $6.50 per ton. Beecli and Maple Blocks, S2.2Ü i cord. Beecli and Maple, 4 feet, $5.00 u cord. Main Office- 36 E. Huron Street. Yards-öO West Huron Street. Sheriffs Sale. NOTICE IS HEREBT GIVEN TH AT BY viitueof a writ of fieri facías, issued out of the Circuit Court for the Oounty of Washtenaw, in the state of Michigan, in favor of James A. Jaycox, agftinst the jioods ;iud chattels and reul eatate of Adolph lloffstetter, in Baid county, ti me directed and delivered, 1 did on the tifili duyof February, A.D 18W, levy iipon and take all the right. tltle and Interest of the gaid Ad Iph Hoffste tter lo andto the following scribed real estáte, that is to say: All those certain pleces or pareéis of land. pit uati'd :ind belnc; on gection twentynine C-iK In township nuinber two (2) south of range numbei six iB' east, tate of Michigan, known, bouiuled aud described as follows, viz: Beginitinu in t'f enter of a higbway leadlng wistei ly out ol' the olty of Annlrbor, known s tbe Eber White ruad, i hreeand onehult rods weiterly f'om the soutb-east corner f m acres sotd by John Allen and nis wife to Jamos Kingsley on the Brsi day of Pebruary, A. D. liviu. and running tlionce weeterly alone Raid road foiir rods; thence nortli one and ne-f onrth degrees eaet six chalnsand fortytive links: tbence north seventyflve degrees easi parallel to the road thirty-three links or so far thai a course mirtl) two chaina aud einty links wlll strike the land formerly owned by Jacob Kempf one ohaln and om link web'teiiy of the north west corner of lund formerly owned by George Granville: tbence easterly parallel to the road to said GranviUe's land; ihence south three ohains to another corner of the said land formerly owned by tnesald Granville thence westerly parallel to the road aboul thirty-six link?; tbence pouth twodeprees and thlrty minutes west six chalnsand twenty-five links to the place of betrlnnin.' bei ng the samo land that was conveyed to Daniel Murray by Charles FHeioher ly deed of conveyance dated the eiu'litli daj of January, 1862 and recoided in the office of Register of Deeds for the Oou ty of Wa8l)teuaw, in Liber 'Ai of Deeds on pae 790: Also thiit certain piece or parcel if laud iltuate nnd helng on section twentynlne [8) n township two (21 soutli of vangt s'ix (6) east, 5tnir "i MÏfhljtan.known, bounded and dessrihed as foHows. viz.: Bezinning in theeën er of the li (rhway Loadlng wcsterly out of Lhe rijy of Ann Arbor known :is the Hber White road. oue chaln hthI ei.Lïhfy-seven and me-hnlf links wtïsterly a long: the center of jxld roMil froui the - uili east corner of -i iicres sold h John Allen and wifc to Jaraes Kinssley on February flrst, IB38, and running thenoc wcsii'i'iy alnnit siifd poad four rods; l'ni'!ic-c north iarallel to rhe ea.t line of KiDgsley's pun-baëosix clialns inri nixty-five lluks: ihencc ns'erlji parallel with the white road si.ij-i nd one-half liuks; thencu north two chains and sLxty links: thence ranterlj Darallel wltb tlie White road one cliain and one link or half way to GeorgeQranville's corner; thence south parallel to the line of the Ivlnjrsley pinchase two chains and ■iithiy links; thence westerly parallel to the White road thirty-three links orso l'ar that a oouse south one degree and flfteen minutes wi'st uill sirike the plaoe of bezinning: and from thenoe south one degree and lifteen minutes west six cbains and forty-five links tothe place of beirtnnlng. All of which I sliall expose to sale at public auciion or vendne to tlie hiehesl bidder al the aonth door of ilie i'ourt House in the city of Ann Artior in snid county. that belng the place of bolding the circuit oourt tor the said oounty of Washtenaw, ou Saturday, the twenty-tirst dav of April. A. D. 18ÍU. next, at ten o'elock In the torenoon of that day. Datedthfs Mist ilay ni' March. A. T). 1894. THOS. 1". l.RON HD, .1. W. Bennett, Deputy Sheriff. u torney. Notice to Creditors. OTATE OF MICHIGAN. COUNTY io ll' WaahteDaWi Ba. Notice is hereby given, that l'v an order wf the Probate Court for the Coutily "I' Wnshtenaw, made on the 16th day of M&rcb, A. 1). 1S:M, six munths from that date were allowed ior crédito to present their claims ajtmiisl theestnte ofElizabeth McGuioness.late of snld coiinty.deccMsed, and that all creditors of said deceased ar1 u'tiiiirertto present theirclaims to raid Probate Court, t the IJroh:ite Office in the city of Ann Arbor, forexanunation and allowance. on or before the 17th day of September next, and that sucli ■]. ui" will beheaid hefore said Court on the If'th day of June, añil on the 15th liuy of Sopt -inlHT nest, at ten o'clock in the frtirpnooo ofendí ni said days. Dated Ann ri'or, Muti-h 15, A. D. IS94. .1 Wll.LARD BAP.BITT, ludje oí Probate.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News