Northfield pays a bounty of twentyflve cents tor woodchucks for this year. Mr. Frederiek Pfaff, formerly a Northfleld boy, now of Myra, Northern Michigan, is visiting friends here. AVill Kelley has bought Mrs. Alice Donegan's farm in Webster, and has moved thereon and started in life as a farmer. Mr. Frank Dunean sports a newgold watch, the reward for chewing 'the most tobáceo in Washtenaw county. It is a prize from the ispear Head Tobacco Co., for the most. tobáceo tags sent in. Will Conlin visited friends here Simday. The school exhibition held in Distrlct 4, was a success. A tine piogram was presented, and was well cairied out in every respect by the scholars, which reflecta credit upon their teacher, Miss Lettie Carroll.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News