Profoiïsiefïy Gratefuï Symptorns of Cáncer Removed - R heumaíism Cu red A Chicago Clergyman's Faith In Hood's Sarsaparilla. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "DearStrs: I am profoundly ímpressed with the medical vlrtues of Hood's Sarsaparilla. I lm- threatened with cáncer, and ilHagreeable eruptions on my back and other places. The cáncer was appearing on my Up. Providentially I obtained a bottle of Hood'3 Sarsaparilla. and by the time it was gone, tho bad symptoms had nearly disappeared. I have used íour bottles, and I believe it has Saved Wie From Premature Death. I am now almost 73 years of age and I work Hke a tiger. And I know that Hood's Sarsaparilla has had much to do with my vigor and strength. I recommended it to my wife, who had sufEered so much with rheumatic troubles, Hood's5 Cures as also with témale weakness. In two' years she has used about three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and today, and for the last six months, she seems like a new being. "We are Heartyand Robust as the young people who live with US. We do want the afflicted to know what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for us, and I feel it a duty to let people know in this way of the help obtained. With grateful aeknowledgement to C. I. Hood &Co." Kev. O. H. Power, 2024 Hanover Street, Chicago, Illinois. Gct HOOD'S. Hood's Pulsare the best dinner pills, assist digestión, cure headachc. "rc per box.
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