A f raid of Pneumonía. Mis. Catherine Black, of L- Roy, N. Y., took a severe eold The feaved Pneurnonm. ÍSiie took one bottlft of Parks' Cmigh Syrup and says: "It aeted üke magie. Stopped my cough and I am perfectly wel) now. I recommend it to everyoiie for Thioat and Lung Trouble as I believo it saved my Iifè." Sold by Eberbacli & Sons. Mail Boad Notes. J. Hailey, of Batavia,X. Y., conductor on X. Y. C. Bailway, and one of the best known men on the road, says of Parks' Tea: For ten years I have suffered froni constipation. Tried everytbing and found nothing of lasting value. Hearing so many talking of Parks' Tea, I tried it without much hope. The first dose moved mybowels easily and now I am cured. Itworks like inagcic. Sold by Eberbacli & Sons.
Ann Arbor Argus
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