Unabk to Teil. Yes, that was so. For years I suffered severely witli scrofula; sores broke out all over uiy body, and I am unable to teil one half that I susfered. I was not able to obtain relief until I used Sulphur Bitters, vvhich completely cnred me.- C. B. Dale, 17 AHston street, Boston. Kead This. Mr. W. II. Butler, witli Mr. Chas. R. Whitman, has money to loan upon Real Lstate security, in sums of $100 to $3,000, at low rates of interest and easy tenas. Cali early. First come tirst served. Office over the Postoffice. 30-tf. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powdef World'i Fir Highest Award.
Ann Arbor Argus
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