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FOR FINE SOAPS And rich and laetinjr Perfumes we are abla to offer tor your inspection au exeeptioiully large and elepant stock. Soaps made irom cotnmon fate or rosin are not fit for toilet purposes- be sui-e and by a pure soap su om1 drn;r srore. Üur perfumes we guarautee tlie bost. jiANiS' liilOüü., lruggists, 39 S. Main St. - ANN ARBOR o. üi'fjsleogtí::, Nu. 6 Wkut Ank Stheet. üfEiJIMUM&liMlffl, In the rear of lídfl'ai'd Duffy'ti uroyttry tora. Hack to all train, day sihI nit'iit UMfirs vir trains, parties. wediliDKi rn ' funeral promptiy nttended t. Tolophiuif. l( Ajui Arbor Mioh. C. E. GODPREY. Residence and Office, 4S Fourth Ave., North S. "tatm:. hebz, NO. 4 'vv. WASHi m '( ' -:■ ■ ' doüSR, SlSÜ. QgiíAlííMíi, !fli 'i-'SClt AlllTv'tó giidinfz, '.'aicnnjniïii?, !_( ]7,uitr titul -unr L'.í Aliworkis don. in tluf 'es fyic iii warrantoii to ïive Batletai;i)'it __ V CÍRA.KTI3 OFFEH! EJJCC MME. A. RUPPERT'S rñZL face bleach vjjl-a,. MME. A. RUPPERT ƒ -o y 55v says: "l ;ippreeii:ie theLuft Vjjfi that there are mnny thouVAECÍXiMSlma sandsofladieaiiitlieünited WJrFiliialBtT Statesthatwouldliketatr? i U 'E royWorld-Benownedi'Ars 3, g ÍK Blsacu: but Iïuvo beeu feraj V7 teP' ír"m duing so on u 'Í&L ( ai - coontof prlve,whlchtn$S.I 1 perlxittleor SbottlestaSeu jeySjSfiC WsÊi toietber, 5.00. In onler ''SïK MK that all of these mayliaTB Ní2Í anopportuniíy, I will giyd VSfJ Ö" to every ciilleV, absnlutely 1 -f free, a sample bottle, aji world.Iwlllsend itsafely pankedln plainwrapper all cbarges prepaid, for 25 ceñís, si 1 ver or strimp." In every caseof frecklf, pimplea.nnitli, sal1 owness, blaokheada, aen3,eczema . o; I ineaa.rougUness, or any dlscoloratkm or disenso of the skin, and wrinkles (not caused by facial oxpif salon: FACB BleaCH removes absolute'y. It does not cover up, as cosinetics do, bat is a cure. AddlOM HABAME A. KCI"PKKT,;;iePt.O.) No.Ö Easti4tf1 St., ,NEW YORK O!TY,


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News