Because It is so Pure! That's the great reason why you uliould know about our salt. It re„uires the best to produce the best. The good farmer this with lus seed; shall the batter maker be less wlse? Our salt Is as carefully made as your butter - made express)v for dairy work; and bright dairyen every where find their butter better made and their labor better paid yhen they use Diamond Crystal Dairy Salt. No matter what brand you hava „eed, juBt give this a fair trial. It Is first in flavor, flrst in grain, ana JQ first in purity. Whether for dairy V or table use, you wil! flnd it to ■ your advantage to be acquainted Ife With tile salt tltat's all ealt. Lff DIAMOND CRYSTAL raLr'p Y ALL PAPER! WALL PAPEE. OF ALL The Newest Designs ! PRICES THE LOWESÏ OSCAE 0. SOEG, THE DÊCOKATOK, o s_ iMc3isi Mt. ■0-LATEST IMPROVED ' HORSE POWER Marine, for THRESHINCJ t IXEANINU '...--- i-j-TM tut Drug Sawa. Dyltob p. J-BIh. EASY ORAFTTuRABILITUQUANTITY OF WüRK te-piï.W.GRaY'SSOWS, PlTEMIEJEU AKD SOLE MAKÜÏAOT0BKK8, BIDUIiJiTOWS SFBUiöS, Vfc VÍCTOR CYCLES LEAD r VÍCTOR FLYER $125.00. If you aiv. iioitiü to why not ride the bek, VietoixaicheM! Gal) and see t hom ind yiu will bc convinced. Söld ut M. STAEBLER'S CVCLE KMPOR1UM. 11 W. Washington St.. Ann Arbor. jl# b.- We have a larKe line of seoond-hand TvhtMls whioh we are selliiiK very cheap. lira7! mvm BÁKERY, I1R0CERY AND FLOUR kHd FEEO STORE. We ktep consvanïlv on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, o. For Wholesale or otail Trade. We stwll uso keep a supply ot OHBORNE'N ÖOLD DUST FLOUR. J. M. Swift & Oo.' Best White Wheat Plour, Rye ITlour. Backwheat Flour, Corn Meal, "ied, &c, &c, teAt WholesulK -irirt Retail. A centra! stock ol &B0OEBIEÖ aND PBOVISIOHS ronstantlv on hand, which will be Sold or as reasonable terms as ftt anv other house in the city. r-cash paid tor Butter, K?ps, and Country Produce srenerallv. ÖTGoods Delivered to anv part of the city wlth -ut extr i chürtre. B,imier oE Saoolt, 5 DOLLARS PER DAY 20 Easily Made. We want inany men, women, boys, and girls to work for ua 11 tew hours daily, right in and around tbeirown homes, llie business is easy, pleasant, Btrictly honorable, and pays better tliun anyothcr offrrcd agi'iits. Yon liave a olear lield and o ompetition. Kxperienfce and special ubility unnecessnry. No capital reqalred. We equip yon with everytliing tliat you need, treat yon well, and help you W earn ten times ordinary wages. Wonwii do as weil as men and boys and girls make good pay. Any one, anywtiere, can 1 th work All suooeed who follow onr plain and simple direotlons. Earnest work will surely bring you a great deal of money. Everytbing Is new and 'in great deiriand. Write tor our pamphlet oircillar, and reoeive full infornmti-.n. Ho Harm done i f you couclude uot to gn on with the Georce Stsnsqm&Co., Box 488, PORTLAND, MAINE. ■i Plso'9 Remedy íor Catarrh is the I r..l. :..-!■ -' ■: I '"■■. ■"'■' ' ''"'" M__B Sold by Druggists or Bent by malí. I I 60c. E. T. Hizeltlne, 'Warren, P. WK
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News