Dexter Township
Miss Carrie Erwin is on tlie sick list. James Carpenter spent Sunday with ! iis grandmother. O. Andrews and friend were guests yf friends the tirst of the week. John Shehan an1 family, of 1 burg, spent Sunday with relatives. Mrs. John McCabe and family tained her daughter on Sunday. Fred Stabler, of Fosters, was among old friends last week. Jerorae Bennett, of Mendon, called liere one day the tirst of the week. Mr. Jewell and family have been entertaining friends the past week. T. Stanton and family enjoyed a visit from some of their f riends, Sunday. S. Chamberlain and wife spent Sunday with North Lake friends. John Kelly was a Chelsea visitor on Monday. Mrs. Hopkins entertiined her sister from Detroit last week. Mrs. A. Taylor visited her brother and family in Pettysville the last of the week. Mr. Bentz and family had some of their friends dine with them on day. Jesse Parsons and family spent Sunday with his brother in Webster. James Ivory was the guest of ' uey friends, Thursday. Chas. Schoen and family were the ] siuests of relatives iu Freedom several ' daysthe past week. W. Smith and family entertained friends from abroad the past fewdays. Wm. Clark entertained friends the last of the week. P. McCabe, of Ann Arbor, was a Dexter ealler last Thursday. Mrs. Chas. Rockwell, of Fosters, is the guest of her daughter. Mrs. Swiok spent the past week with friends in this place. Mrs. 11. Erwin has returned home af. ter a six weeks' stay with her parents in Canada. Thos. Mack was among his raany' friends here one day the past week. Lewis Chamberlin made a business trip to Pinckney one day recently. Mrs. T. W. Branch is spendmg the week in Detroit, selecting a fine stock of millinery goods. Thomas Snay and family will oceupy the Hawks house on Cstreet. E. Litchfield. of Jackson, was the guest of his brothers last week. John Lee, jr„ is home trom his studies at the Detroit medical college for a few days' vacation. Miss Nettie Spooner. of Albion, has been visiting in this place. A dancing party will be given at the Dexter opera house this (JTriday) evening. S. W. Stevens has taken up his residence on Baker street. Hon. II. W. Newkirk gave a very interesting lecture on "Life in the South." at the Congregational church, last Friday evening. The Ladies' Aid Society of the Baptist church met witta Mrs. II. Warren on Wednesday afternoon, wliere tea was served. J. C. Wilson and Miss Vincent, of Ann Arbor, spent Sunday in this vicinity. II. O. Wills, of Detroit, elosed his gospel meetings in the village last Thursday evening. II. Pearce bas closed the winter term of school in the Arnold district. HUf?h Quinn will light the street lamps in the village for a time. Mr. Ilelber will erect a large barn on his farm. Born to Mi. and Mis. Joseph Parsons, a daughter. Miss Mag?ie Ferris, spent the past veek witn JNortn iate ïneuus. John Morelev. of Exeter, shook ïands with old rriends here the last of ;he week. Mr. Sly, of Nocth Lake, made his ;riends a pleasant cali, Thursday. Miss Mary Taylor was the guest of l'inckney ir'iends the past week. Thomas Eagan, of Hamburg, was iierc on business, Friday. The Misses Dolan, of Pinckney, visited their cousins, Thursday. Mrs. A. Barber and daughter Maud, visited Pinckney friends one day last week. Mis Wm. Carpenter and children visited her pareuts in Pettysville the last of the week. Mrs. James Rowe is entertswning her niother for a few days. Mr. Zalin and farnily, of Scio, spent Sunday in this place. Mr. and Mrs. II. Hayes, of Lima, were the guests of friends here Sunday. Miss Ilattie Lucas,of Webster, spent Saturday and Sunday with friends. John Gallagher, and wife, entertained friends on Sunday. E. Stahton and wife, will spend the summer with K.Huckalew and family. Married, at the home ot the bride's mother, in Dexter village, April Ist 1894 Miss Ola Johnson to Mr. Will Arnold. Rev. F. E. Pearce, oí the M. E. church, oftlciáted. Died, at his home in Webster townSship, Friday, March 30. 1894. George ! C. DeCamp, in the 37th year of his age The funeral took place from the Webster M. E. church on Sunday atternoon. April Ist. Rev. Mr. Shier ofticiating.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News
George DeCamp