Proceedings Of The Board Of Public Works
[official] OnPIClS OF THE BOABDO PCBMl' WOUKS.I A.NN A.KBOE, April 4, 18SW.-I Regular Session. Called to order by Pies. Keech. Roll eaUed. Present, Messrs. Keech and Mclntyre. Absent, Mr. Schuh. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Mr. Keech moved tliat the street conimissioner is liereby directed to remove three trees which are in the road-way on Twelfth street west of the old cemetery groands. yeas_Messrs. Keech and Mclntrye. The engineer was ordered to give a sidewalk grade on the northeasterly sice of Prospect street, also to give at.rnnt srarle street lines on Twelftl street from North University Ave. to Huron street. On raotion the Board adjonrned. W. J. JilliLBRj Clerk. Office of ihe Boaeo of Pobijc Wopks, Ann Arbor, April ;i, 194. Special session. Oalled to order by President Keech. Roll called. Present, Messrs Keecli iiid Mclntyre. Absent, Mr. Schub. President Keech stated the object of bhis meeting to receive and consider the annual report of the Street Coramissioner for the year of 1893. To ihe Honorable the Board nf Public Works. 1 herewith submitmy report of expenditure of Street and Bridge, Culvert and Crosswalk Fuuds for the past year. , ..... Tableof Expenditure ! by Months. Januai-y. street, labor and material, $ 450 28 February " „" " " W 2h April " " W' May ;; 2 June " , ' " l!;-A Inlv " " " " 3Mi 4.1 August.":: ;; ;; ;; i5 " " . " ; ■■' November '. o December " " " a ü 4 Total -- ---- W0814 T6 TAHLE OF PUKPOSB FDH WHÍCB FÜNDS WBBB EXTKNDED. General Street Work ---..i 2289 SO CleaningStreets and Alleys J'.'Si Lumber.. - 'I1 ,V Hardware and Supplies H; Blacksinithiiij; and Repair 71 Repairs on Sidewalks M :t Artificial Stone Walks and Stoue Crosstngs - gij w Gravel and Delverinr sanie iw al Snow Plowins andOartlng Snow and lceíroni Glitters 55a 81 Cuttlng Weeds and Dock :il hi Hanover l'ark - " Bewer l'ipe - 811 Paving Stone. Street Signa and pul tina them up 165 8 Stone Culverton West 1" i t t h street.... 386 iw 'illin'-; m Dlrt over tlie same 78 15 Stone Slabs and Four 8toue Crosslngs, 21Ö ■+ Kepairson Tur Crossinss 95 41 l'hírty-three Plank Crossings (tlte labor on sanie - - 1' ■"' Labor South State street, south of Paokard street 0 ro Qradtng on K:ist Hurón and FÜUng of i:;tii street - ll!l ' (Jradins on West Mndison rS ?. Gradins on Uett and Brook Btreets. . - 838 la Giiidinn' on Soutii Fourth avenue, south of Packard ns l! GradlnK on Ñorth Broadway street... 2 re Gradlng on North Main street. 41 ü Trees around tlie Campus and Plantiog thein - - i' f City Englneer and help f '; Street Commlssloner's Salary 588 28 Total 10BJ4 78 NEL8ON SITHKKLAND, Si reet Coniniissioner. Mr. Keech moved that tlie report be accepted and adopted and submitted to the Common Counci. Yeas- Messrs. Keech and Mclntyre. On motion the Board adjourned. Clerfc.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News