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SUFFERERS FROM PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES. Have Now a Simple but Effective Cur . ! Modern medical science and skill has at last succeedel in producing a remedy which effectually cures that comraon, but extremely annoying trouble, piles. The Pyramid Pile Cure is the remedy referred to and repeated and thorough trials of the remedy during the past three years have lemonstrated that it is the long sought for remedy which can be defended upon as a genuine cure. There are many remedies which give relief, but such relief is only temporir and the trouble soon returns, as bal, or worse than ever. Dut the Pyrainid Pile Cure stands practically alone as a lasting cure. It nt only gives immediate relief but the relief is there to stay. Mr. J. W. Rollings, a gentlemen; living at Sweet Springs, Mo., writes briefly and to the point regardii g his experience with Piles, he sayt : "i consider the Pyramid Pile Cure without an equal. It cured me in less than thirty days. I waited j fifteen days or more to be sure the j remerly had fully cured me beforc j writing you. I can now say I am cured and I shall recommend the . Pyramid Pile Cure at every possible opportunity because it desirves it." We quote from this gentleman's letter to show our readers how promptly the remedy acts" and also hat there is no return of the trouble. The Pyramid Pile Cure is simple and harmless,containingpurely vegetable ingredients and can be used in all cases with perfect salety and with the assurance that a cure will follow. Physicians prescribe it and use it in all cases of piles in preference to the danger and uncertainty of a surgical operation. Jt cures without pain or inconvenience of any kind. The Pyramid Pile Cure is prepared by the Pyramid Drug Co., of Albion, Mich., and sold by dru?5sts everywhere at one dollar per Dackage, making it the safest,surest, cheapest Pile Cure before the public and one you can try with almost certain success. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke your Life Away ïsthetruthful, startltngtitleof a Hule book thattellBHllabout No-to-bac. the wonderlul, harmless Gvarantced tobáceo habit curo. The cost is trilling and the man who wants to quit and can't runs no phy8ii:al or tinancial risk in using "No-to-bac Sold by all druKgists Boók at Drug Stores or by mail f ree Address, The Storlinp; Bemedy Co., iDdlana Mineral Sorines. Ind.


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