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Hoodwinking The People

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"There is no question but what the republican party of Michigan needs purging. The recent scandal it has undergone at Lansing is sufficient evidence of that fact, and attests the exceeding looseness which characterizes the official functions of men elected to 'high stations within its party ranks. Such a brazen fraud as that perpetrated upon the people by the recent canvassing board ought to set intelligent men to thinking. It is an object lesson of the first magnitude and deserves more than a passing notice. Gross neglect of duty is a very mild term to apply to such a high-handed offense as to set aside and thwart the will of the people by uttering false returns. When it comes to such a pass that men in high stations willfully attempt to set aside the recorded verdict of the people at the ballot box and rob them of their sacred rights for the sake of paltry gain and selfish personal interests, it can be looked upon in the light of political treason of the blackest sort,for that is just what it amounts to. While they sought to hoodwink the people and make gain for themselves, little did they think hovv far reaching such pernicious influences would extend, and to what straits it would bring them and their party in order to rectify such wicked chief. The result is that the people all over the state, irrespective of politics, view witta suspicion the entire management at the State CapĂ­tol, and instead of a feeling of confidence and trust, a spirit of mistrust and apprehension is bred and begot that widens and extends with the dawning of each nevv day, anti bodes no good to the repablican party. Where can you find in the history of the democratie party of the great State of Michigan any example of misconducts approaching this contemptible trick, born of the devil, perpetrated by this


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News