We Don't Want Skimmilk
I teil you what. We chaps don't like The way the Wilson bill's Been watered by our soft roed friends Who've liad it through their milis. We ain'l sucli fools as not to know That on tue seuate floor There's many a blauk Kepublican Would kick it out the ioor. But Uien the bill's been watered dowa By metí wbo stül, they say. Are Demócrata, but blanied if I Can ihink of them that way. A Democrat who's worth a fig Will on his platform stand And battle straight for equal rights- He'll show he's got sonie taml. If you've to buy off every trade And bolster up each trust Because il's got its local nest, Your best friends you'll disgust. The principies on wliich we sent The party into power Ain't limited by local linea Or trimmed to suit tlie liour. "e've got no mind to pay for this, Because it's iu State K, And pay for that, lo buy the vote Oí Senator tömoothsay. We tako our Mand on bottom rock. We say protection's fr;iui; It robs a man by force of law, And that's why it's abhorred. It's wroug, it's robbery, it's crime Againsl ihe purse and richt Of every man who has to pay. And that Is why we flght.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News