A RETIRED BUSINESS WQMAN. A Page From Her History. The important experiences of others are hrteresUna. Thefofiowing is no exception: "1 had been troubled with heart disease 25 years. mucb of tliat time very seriously. For íivo years I wastreated by one physician continuously. [ was in business, but obliged to w.tiro on account of my health. A phyatclan told my friends that I could not live a month. Myfeetand limbs were, badly swollen, and I was indeed in aserious condition ■when a prent lemán directed my attention to Ur. Miles' New Heart Cure, and said that liis sister, who liad been ifflicted with heart disease, had been cured by the ï'emedy, and was iixain aslronL, liealthy woma. Ipurohased ■A Dottle of the Heart Ciire, and in less tlian mu hour after takíng 1he Brst dose I could ïeel adecided improvementin thecirculation of my blood. When I had taken tliree doses I conld move my ankies, something I had not done for montlis.and my limbs had been syolIrn so loufrthat they seemed almost putriüed. Bt-fore I had taken one bottle of the New Beart Cure the s welling had all gone down, and I was so much better that I did my own woik On niy recommendatlon .six others are taliingthis valuable remedy."- Mrs. Morgan, 569 W. Harrison St, Chicago, 111. Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure, adiscoveryof an eminent specialist in heart disease, is sold by all druggists on a positive guarantee.or sent by tJie Dr. Miles Medical Co.,Elkhart, Ind..on jteceipt of prii-e, SI per bottle, six bottles for ■Vk express prepald. It is positively free f rum all opiales or dangerous drugs. Sold by Druggists Everywhere. "I . 1 I g h R 3 í Z 17 9 x 2 ' 3 í Sfi II B-.f i 8 1 5! ri I 1 el 1 lo W " S i 5 -2 . a r i i REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE vsm & mm m -ATAN? ARBOR, MICHIGAN, At the cloie of business, July 12, 189:j. RESOUKCES. Loans and discounts. $267.02329 Stocks. Bonds and Mortgages, etc. .... 87,715 07 Overdrafts 3,53975 Doefrom banks in reserve eities 17,362 Si Due froni other banks and bunkers '2,069 50 Puefrom Washtenaw Co 1,315 14 Pnrniture and flxtures 2,000 00 CMieBt expenses and laxes paid .25 60 Interest paid :S7 38 Check and cash items --- 3,64t2, Nickels and pennies ,„?!?)L Soldcoin.... 10,300 Filver coin 1.9MJ20 U-S. anL National Uank XoteS 13,568 00 Total $411,0995 LIABILITIBS. Capitnl stock paid in t 50,000 00 Snï 20.000 Undivided profits 0.7w 0 DiTidends unpaid lftoo Individual deposita !)9,97 0 CettiflcateB of deposit 18,9488 8tídí;S deposita 82,2098 Total -,-- $411,099 ó STATE OF MICHIGAN, Í Counly of V'aghtenaw, r I, Frederiek H. Belser, Cashier of the a hor namel bank, do solemnly swear that the abov statement is true to the beBt of my knowledg nd belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashier, Correct- Attest . Ambhose Keakney, ) W.F. BREAKtv, Directors Edwakd Düffï, I SHbBcribed and swotn to before methis 19th day tf JdIt, 1893. H. A. Williams, Notary Public IRE INSURANCE. CHRISTIAN MACK Aftent lor the followini? Flrt ClaB Companic representing over twenty-eight Million Dollars Assets, ísbubb polioie at theloweBtrates .■Etna of Hartford $9,192,644.00 Franklin of Phila 3,118,713,0 Germania of N. Y 2,700,729.00 American of N.Y. 4,065,968.00 London Assurance, Lond'n 1,416,788.00 Michigan F. & M., Detroit 287,608.00 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y. 2,596,679.00 National, Hartford 1 ,774,505.00 Phenix, N.Y 3,759,036.0 WSpeclal attentlon given to the imnrance o direllings, schools, churche and pnbllc buildinjr is termt of tbree and flye yean
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News