Now Charged With Forgery
Sagixaw, April 11.- Seldom in any :ity, anrt never before in Saginaw, has Snere been a deed coinmitted which has saused ao iunch interest as the recent Wells-Stoüe affair. Monday Par.sons" bail was fixed at 57,000. b'ut he has not been released. His friends say that owing to the fact that other charges are to be bronght against hiiu. they will wait uutil such charges liave been brought and then fnrnish bail for the full amount required. ProsecT.ú-Jíí Attorney önow " has Irawn n acomplaintcharging Parsons with forging a i5,000 check on the First National bank of the West Side. No warrant bas vet been issued for this second ofïense." the couiplaint awaitiug the signature of E. P. Stone. A warrant will probably be issned today.
Ann Arbor Argus
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