Met A Horrible Death
Stanton, April 11.- The U-year-oVl ron of Pat Belïeau. a welltodo farmer residing in the township of Bushnell, this county, met with a horrible death. ' He went to the field to cateh and bring to the barn a 3-year old colt that belonged to hiin and had always been bandled by bim. After catching the colt the boy carelessiy tied the end of the halter strap aron'nd his wrist, The colt, partly through fright and its high lite, began to jatnp and run. The boy was in t his way dragged all over the large field, beirig knoeked against stones and pine stumpa until, when found by a yoñnger brother soon after, his body wás literally crushed to a pulp.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News