State Items
John De Groa... who attent pted to coramit suicide at Lápeer last week, has reovered. Daniel D. Travis, s. resident of Cooper, Kalamazoo county, for 60 years, died Tuesday, aged TI. Davison, Genesee county. will have. in : time for the fajl crops. a new elevator with a capacity of 30.00(1 bushels. There were ñti fires in West Bay City for , the fiscal year eDding .March 22, the loss involved being íí2,7e;2. William Baatz and Robert Buchan were tried at Benzonia for hnnting deer out of season and were fined $50 each. Atheus will have i uew flouring mili. K. I H, Wicks of Battle Creek will put the mili in' running oi'der in a few weeks. Abraham Barlow's barn at Au Gres was destroved by fire and with it several cattle, whichwere unable to escape. April 25. the T5th anuiversary of the Odd Fellows. will be celebrated by the Niles lodge with appropriate ceremonies. Albert IJeroy jumped in front of a train I at Pierson and was badly injured, but will f recover. His nteution was suicide. Clifton Buzzard, a sawmill employé at ; Austin, Oakland county. was seriously jured by a slab saw which made a bad gash in his thigh. Jíe will recover. The general store of M. V. Wilson of Sand Lake was eutered Monday night by burplars. who blew open the safe and secured $20 and several watches.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News