Called To His Long Rest
Belleville, April 12. - Michael Frain, a welltodo farmer and a widely known and much respected pioneer of Van Buren township and this village, died at nis farm residence, three and one-half miles northeast of tjiis place. The deceased was boru in New York state in February. 1829, and came to this state when quite young, settling in Van Buren township, where he.has al waya resided, living on the same farm during all of this time. wirh the exception of a few years, when he resided in another part of the saine towuship. Mr. Frain was inarried to Miss Ann Thirkettle abont 35 years atro, and she now survives Mm. He was always a lioiütliy and robuat ïuan and has been able to tiike part iuthe farin work up to within foúr or five days. He whs seen on our streets on Frulay last apd appareiitly was iu gfood healtb. H leaves a vviitow, otie dftn.nhter and two sous. He wtts li.") years ()ld at the time of his ileatk.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News