Estáte of James Gaunt. OTATE OF 1TCHUÏAN. COUNTT KJ ( . ir. .;,.-. . _ , , „H„,,,., f, i, ! r„l,aIe Co'.n 'nr i,. Co, t' .'nei ■ !]■:.' i nttlw Pnl)tig 'Hice. . :■. (Vv ot 11. i A-'HT on Mouriay, rhe IStri r.w ■ : .Man-,., in , ie year one tliúuxaiiri eijíi)' .n)i,.3 and ni crv four Present,.'. HiüOlll, Jadeooí 1'róhate ' In the matter ol the eslate of Jumes Gaunt doeeaseú. Ou reiuling and nling tbo petilion, duly verifled, of Ann (aunt, pinying thut Ihc ailministration of said estáte umy be L'r.mtl to Kbeuewr Hill or pome ottaer tuitabte person . Thereupou it is orüered, ihat Nonday, the flth day of April neit, at ten o'clock in the lorenoon, he Msipned i()r i lie heiinug of said petition and that the hcirs at liw of aaid deceased, und all other persona interested la Baid estale aro required to appear at n session of salí" court, ihea to bo holden at the Probate OthVt; in the city of Ann Arbor, und show cause, if ny there' be why the prajer of the pctitioner Bhould uot botranteil. And it is furtlinr orderea, that said petitiouer give notioe to the persons interentedinsaid estáte of the pendencv ol said petition and the hearing 1, by oaiwtng eopj of this order tobe publwhed in the Ann Akbok Argus, a newspuper printed nnd -Irenlated in said county, three suocewive weeks previous to 6aid uay of hearing. J. WILLAUD BABBITT. [A frue copj.] .IiUgo ol' l'robate. Wm. j. Dotï. Probale Ki-Kistr Mortgage Sale. DBFAULT HAVING BEEN MADE INTHE condltions of a eert ai d mortgage made by Hattie Loney and John Loney of the city of Ann Arbor, to the Aui Arbor Savings , ciation of Ann Arbor. Michig-an. a corporutiou oiganized and doinjr business unrjer the laws of tlin Stuto of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, Michigan, riated April Üfth, A. I), lö, and recorded at the office of the Register of Deed.', for the County of Washtvnaw and State ot Mloliir:ui, on the üftli day of April, A. D. 1S92, in lihcr 78 of morttragtw. on page Gl, on wtaich moi-t!;a?e there Isclnimed to be due at the dute of this notiee the sum of sixhundred and slx dollars and seventy-one ceuts, and ao attorney's f' e of twenty-flve dollars provided for in said mortsase, and bo snit or proceedings at law having been instituted to recover the moneys secured by sald mortgage, or any part therêof : Now, t tterefore, by virtue of the power of sale contained in said roorttrage, and the statu'e in s ich case made and provided, notiee is hereby giveti that on Saturday the nint teenth oay of May, A. ü. 1894, at ten o'clook in the forenoon, f shall sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, at the north front door of the Court House in the City of Ann Arbor, (that beintr the place where the circuit court for Washtenaw County is holden), the premises describid in Baid moi'tgafe'e, or go much t hereof as muy be neeessary to puy the amouut due on said mortgage, with soven per cent iniprest, and all legal costs. togethor with an attorney's fee of twenty-five dollars coveoauted f r thereln, the promises belng descrlbed in said mortgage as all that certain plece and paroel of land sltuated in the City of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washtenaw, and stilte ut Michigan, and Itnowu and deseribed as follows: Lots niimber One 11) and Twelve(12i in blook number Four(4i north of Huron street and ín range number Two iSl east. TUE ANN ARBOR SAVTNGS ASSOOIATIUN By Chas. H. Ki.inkv Attorney lor Mortgagee. eTATE OP MICHIGAN. SUIT PENDING o In the Circuit Court for Washteuaw County, in Chancery; wherein Walter S. Hicks iscomplaliiHiit and Lydia Hicks is defendant. SaUsfaetory proof appearing tothU court by aftidavit on file that defeudant is not a resident of this State, but is a resident of Logansport, Indiana. It is orderöd that detendant appear and answer the bill of complaint tiled in this cause within four months frorn the date of this order. Dated, Ann Arbor, March 12, 1894. E. I). K1NNB, CircuitJudge, CnAS. H. Kiink, Complainant's Solicitor. Attest: Arthok Brown, Kegister. Notiee of Drain Letting. TtOTICEIS HEREBYGIVEN, That I, Daniel " W. Barry. Couuty Drain Commissioner of the County of Washtenaw, State of Michigan, will, on the 30th day of April, a. D. i.sü4, at the lower end of Drain in township of Augusta, at one o'clucU in afteraoon of that day. pryeeed to reoeive bids for the cieaningout of a certain drain known and designated as "thejohn liird Urain," located and established in thesaid township of Augusta, and described as toliows, to-wit: Commencingat a point n PaiutCreek,29 3-5 rdsN. ofS W. corner of B. ; ol S W. % of sectionlO, town 4. south of Rimge 7 East and running thenceN. 50 2-5 roda, thence N. 35% degrees, E. 43 rods, theuce N. 12 degrees, E. 31 17 5 rods, thence N . 9?i degrees, E. 15 3-5 rods, thence N. 34' degrees, W. 10 3-5 rods, thenct' N. 26 degrees, V. 15 1-5 rods, thence N. 35 degrees, W. 29 7-25 rods, thence N. 12 14-25 rodn. theuce N. 46 degrees. W. 2 rods. thence N. 31 2-5 rods, w. 38 rods, thence N. 67 7-25 mds, W. 3 8-23 rods. thence N. 2 rods, V. 3-5 rods, thenoe N. 20 rods, E. 21 3-26 rods, thence N. 18 2-25 rods, E. 21 3-25 rods, thence N. 120 21-25 rods. Total length of drain 555 9-25 rods. Said ,iob will be let by sections. Thesection at the outlet of the draiu will be let ñrst, and the remalning s?ctiofl iu their order up stream, ín accordance with the diagratu now on-flle with the other,papei-soertainiug tosatd drain, an bids will be made and received accordingly. Contracts will be made with the lowest responsible bidder giving adequate si - curity for the performance of the work in a sum then and there to be Uxed by me, reserving to myself the right to reject any and all bids. The dute for the coioplelion of such contract, and the terms of payment therefor. shall be annouiiced at the time and place of lëttlng. Notioe is further hereby given, Tliat at the time and place of said letting, or at such other time and place thereafter to wblch I, the Dm in Commissioner afore-aid, may ad.ourn the same, the assessments lor beoellts and the lands ooTiprised within the "'Johu Bird Drain Special ABsessment District," will be subject to revu'w The lollowing is a descrlption of the several tra ts or pareéis oí land COndtitUtlng the Special Assesament District of said drain. viz: E V, of S W" ü of S W ! of Sec. i: W !4 of E % of S W '4 Sec. 18; E 'i of rí. W l Sec. 10; N pariof W % of N vv i .sec 10; S W '.i of S W K Sec. 3; N W 'Í of S v !.t ec. 3: E ',2 of S W L Sec ;; E '. of K '.. of S W i., of Sec. 10; S. H of W .; of N"V 'i s.-c. 10; N V ü of s W }i riec. 10: S V ü of N W }- Seo. 3; and also the Towuship of Augusta at laige. Dated, this teuthday of April, A. D. 1894. Daniel V. Baury, County Draiu Commissioner oL the County of Washtenaw. IMPOKTANT TO A1ÍVEK i iSl.líS. . The crearn of the country papers is found in Remmgton's Ckjunty Seat Lists. Shrewd advertisers avail themselves of these Ests, a copy of which can be had of Eemingtoa Bros., of New York & Pittsburs;.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News