George II. Pond is in Flin.t. Mrs. William Condón isvisitingj in Detroit. Hon. Charles R. Whitman was in Chicago yesterday. Miss Jennie Keagan, of Chicago, is visiting in the city. Mrs. J. W. Goodspeed has returned from Clarkson, Mich. H. Brittenbinder, of Constantine, is visiting Rev. W. L. Tedrow. Samuel Krause has gone to Denver, Colorado, on a business trip. Mrs. N. W. Cheever and Mrs. L. E. Cheever, are visiting in Flushing. Rev. C. P. Bates, of Holly, visited Mr. and Mrs. George Stimson, Monday. Mrs. E. R. Curtis was called to Battle Creek this week by the death of a brother. Frederick Schmid is attending a meeting of the trustees of the insane asylum at Pontiac. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mount, of the third ward, have moved to Bay City, where Mr. Mount will engage in the grocery business.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News