Ann Arbor High School
Don't forget that next. week is vacation. The consecration meeting of the S. C. A., that is announced for this afternoon, will be postponed for two weeks. The subject today is "Inattention." The new senior class pins are beauties. A large number has already been ordered and probably everyone of the class will secure one before the close of school. The pins are silver, with a blue center, containing the letters "A. A. H. S." and '94 in silver. The committee who selected them displayed good taste in choosingsuch a neat emblem. The "Hop" comes off tonight. Every ticket has been sold, and the dance is of course an assured success. The committee who have made the arrangements have spared 110 pains to have everything go off in a neat way, and the persons who attend will no doubt spend a delightful evening. Arrangements are being made for an entertainment for the benefit of the -Athletic association, to take place soon after the vacation. The ne of the chapel has been granted to the association, and the efforts of those interested should be successful. The senior class held a meeting last Tuesday morning and accepted the resignation of Miss Winifred Beeman as class essayist. Miss Martha Clark was then elected to fill the vacancy, and the selection is one that does honor to the class. A committee was also appointed to see about the picture of the class, which is to be taken soon.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News