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Setting Type By Wire

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Dónald Murry, a newspaper man o: Sydney ,- has invented and patented a de vice by nieans of which an operator in New York, with a keyboard bef ore him like that of an ordinary typewriter, cannot only produce typewritten copy in New Orleans, but, it is claiined, can opérate a typesetting machine here ant deliver bis matter thus in lead ready foi the forms. Not only that, bnt the same operator, by using a number of telegraph lines, can set up the same copy simultaneously in a dozeu different places. In this operation any ordinary currents are used, such as are capable of being relayed and are subject to all conditions of ordinary telegraphy. The work can be done with the same speed as an ordinary typewriter is operated and dispenses with all clockwork meclianism, synchronously rnoing type wheels and other cumbrous devices. It is said to be capable of manipulating some 80 different acters.-


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News