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■U-RÍ59HY 'jsinq -5[.r.:j piAüQ o .toiinii :autni}Suoo 'ÁapJ -den qoowf jo joaun ieïBig ConjuiAV. BZH3 :ssjd.T!.ix pcnuf) iaq}Bj 'qiiuicj f waaaiig- -043 'BAiOpiM '[UtitöijQ iiuisuuq '.wjsii -j, 0Ü2O9Q tantAaiiiajj 'iphoiïw qr nwo emg iadí[.iu[ B9IJ-8H3- ensetey; piayssiia '9iÍ9 pj a9}jo,j :puipooAv '3uina: uqoj:o88oao ■i.ieqoy 'j UBiuAq-gt-Baja ■XmatjdsBiq J 98B0 aqi ui iniq pnajsp o xiosae8ui qog; lenopQ pa2uSua 8i[ e.xooj[ -Q ss[JBqQ JOipg- -gi judV '-5I 'NOXONIxai .loóle JO}iM ltijn II!A Us.l9Sui .ÍIIOTBJ s.pinof) -iii aioj} tiotiisoddo jo júnoo -OB uo uaijojq ueaq snq .tsiÁjL espo esipf puit p(uoL) piBMOfi n99M;aq uatu eSBSua eqx- '?ï [3v 'SHO Aa_s: iis.m uiisnia9nr.ii:! ux WANTFD, FOR SALE, ETC. CASH I'AIÜ for Hardwood Saw Los. Airdrtefl Hardwood Lumbor 011 hand. A. Ulaess' Saw Mili. ;iw ITOR SALE. - Brick house at corner of South r Cniversity and Forest Aves. Inuuirc at the house. 3t FOR SALK- Five acres on West Huron Street. Good house, barn, orchard. Beautiful location. Wil! sell on easy terms. Apply to or address E. D. Davis, West Huron street, Ann Arbor, Michisran. 7tf F)K SALE-Fullblooded Brown Leghorn Esfs. The Brown Leghorns are the best layers. They are non-setters, and iay 200 egzs a year. I will ;rive a pedigree, and 13 egss for hatchingfor 81. Oall at C. F. Weinniaun. 7 Brown street, and 12 Hill street. 28-6w FOB SALE AND TO RENT.- Several good farms, farmin? lands and city property improved and unimproved, on very easy terms. Franklin L. Parker, 24 Ann St., Ann Arbor. FOKSALE.-yOiicreson Chubb St. in acre or five acre lot or all together. Loim' time. small payment, 6 per cent interest. Jas. H. McDonald, 42 Motïat Building, Detroit, talen. plANO TUNING.-A. D. Brown, the well l known piano tuner with C. J.Whitney, will be in the city soon. Orders left at the Argus office will receive hls attention. HTM) KENT.-At No. 20 S. State St. A flat of 1 81.x rooms. Enquire at 18 S. State St. 28tl rpo KENT.- iurnished house heated w:tt l fnrnnce, in good order. Apply to Noab G . Butts. Room IS.Masonic Bloek. Sñ ELECTRIC TELEPHONE Ir-.-fJ Sold outright, no rent, no royalty. Adapted P V to City, Village or Country. Ñeeded in every L-raEd home, shop, store and office. Greatest convenjghi ience and best sel Ier on earth. tr ' Aeren t make from 81 to$50 perda.r. I iX p One in a residence meana a sale to all the "lJ neighbors. Fine instrumenta, no toya, work j anywhere, any distante. Complete, ready for . : i use when shipped. Can be put up by anj one, i never out of order, no repairine, lasts a Ufe time. Warranted. A money maker. Write k - WW. P. Harrison & Co,, Clerk 10, Columbus, 0. TREDWAY WALL rt 11 í 79 MICHIGAN AVE,, SETRCI7 Beinj; no loDger able to flnd in "outside" 'actories the varlety of desigus and colorings necessary for out trade. we have made ou'r ! seieotloas from tlie now Iine5 of the Natioial Wall Co., rnanufacturers, in lavg-equantitios at liottom prioes, and we are offerinir tlie beht goods In the niarket at príces lower than ever. 20,000 Rolls! Of "Outside" Gilt Paper ,'ïe and upwards, to close out. DR. L. M. FISHEIÏ, 7ETEUNA&7 SURGEON AND DENT1ST, Gradúate of Ontario Veterinary College. All diseases of Doraesticated Animáis SclentiHfally treated. Call.s promptly attnuled to day or'nigrlit. Office, Kobinson's Liverv, S. Fourtli Ave., Aun Arbor Mió).. ÍGRAND'OPERA'HOUSEl ONE NICHT ONLY, Tuesöay7ïpil lïtii Engagement of the Eminent Tragedia n, MR. THOMAS W. KEENE And His Superb Company, in ' Shakespeare's Sublime Tragedy, Roserved Seats on sale at Watt's Jewelry Store. PK1CES- Keeerved seats, $1.50; adniission, Parquet te and first row Parquette Cirole, 81.5U-, Parquette Circle back of flrst row 81.00: Gallery, 50 cents. FREDBRAMFORD&ÜO,, Decorators. Stained Glass. Parquetry Floors, Tapestry Paper Hangrings, Novelties in Silk Stripes, Bcautifut Colorines in Frenen Papers, specially Muitod to surnmer ri-sldenres, etc. 253255 Jefferson A?e„ fletroit, Hich, VLL PERSONS EXPECTING TO LAY CEMENT S1DEWALKS, SHOüLD SEE W, H. Richmond, 18 VOLLAND STREET. , , . - - - Dr. C. G. Darling, Leferenee: . . j.T. Jacobs.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News