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Drs. Kennedy & Kergan

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WHMERVOUSdHSHSED IEK Thousands öf Ymny and Middle Agtd Men are annnally Bwept to a prematiire giave Htrongh early indüfcretion and later excesses. Self abase and Conetitotional laood öïfipasw have ruined and wrecked the life of many a promising young man. Have yop BJ rf Xt. following Symptoms: Nervons and JVspondent; Tired m Mornicgi o AmmISfeVl- Semory Poor; Èasüy Fatigued; Excitable and Irrítatele; Eyes Btar; Pimptes on W Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restlees; Haggard Lookiug; Ble; Sore ThToat; Hair Loos.; l'sins in Body; Sanken Byes; Lifelees; Distrrastiol awl Yaex. oí Etterey and Strengtli. Üur New Metliod Treatment will buüd yoa up mental, pnysioally and sexuaUy. JÜ& WhatUnOiKtSiNtUT & "itltüAPl Done Ij? i " At 1 yeara of aga I learned a bad habit which almost rnined iSr' " me. I became nervoas and weak. My back tronbled me. I conld Ls& stand no exertion. Head and eyea became dul!. Dreame and j - I drains at night weakened me. I triedseven Medical Firme, Eleci vdjjÊl trie Belta, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me m& ''s'lÊËÈ nohelp. A f riend advised meto try Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. They K-J- -jJlJI Bent me one month'a treatment andit cnred me. I could feel WEErfÍ?M myself gaining c-very day. Thtir New Method Treatment curei vihen rriíne n?naf all else Jails." They have cured many of my friends." ( jjjk cis nuuni se mjssi hui. ?% MÏÏpj "Some 8 years a!?o I contracted a serioas constitutional blood l Jol l went to Hot Springs to treat f or syphilis. Mercnry almost TT Cf '■lijH killed me. Atter a while the eymptoms again appeared. Throat , Ms became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, ■'t Jfl loss oI bair' gland9 enlarged' A medical friend advised Drs. f Vit731u!f Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have 1 Ik ïJtSi had no 8mptom3 for tive years. I am married and happy. As a "VecP doctor, I lieartily recomend it to all who have this terrible disease- CnreoSyear igo. typltüis." It will eradicate the poison from the blood." MI5 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CÜRED. " I am 83 years of age, and married. When yonng I led a eay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervoas. My kidneys became affected and I f eared Bright's disease. Married lif e was unsatisfactory and my home unhappy. I tried everything- all failed till I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their -New Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act like a man in every respect. Try them." ïT No Ñames Used Without Written Consent of Patiënt. ure m lmt, T#i never fails in cnring Diseases of men. OUT NeW MethOa Ireatment It strengthens the body, stops aU drains and lossen, purifies the blpod, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and sexual eystems and restores lost vitality tothe body. we Gnarantee to Cnre Nervons DetMHty, Failingr Bfanliood, HvolilUf varicocele, tricture.Gleet, Vnnatnral OischargeSi Weak p'arts and All Kldney and Bladder Diseases. nPlirilftri) Kennedy & Kergan are the leading specialiste of UL lUlh lUIKr tl America. They guarantee to care or no pay. Their repuII t ITI tation and fifteen years of bosiness are at etake. Yoo 1 run no risk. Write them for an Ivonest opinión, no matter who treated you, It may save you years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a Question L,ist and Book Pree. Consul tation Free j l48ShelbySt. , Detroit, Mich.


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