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Charles (aun tiet, of Milán, is laying the foundation tor a new house. Mr. and Mis. A. C. Fingerle, of Yp silanti, have retunied f rom a trip to Georgia. E. L. Mills, of Adrián, is the new chairinan of the Lenavvee county board of supervisors. Hon. L. H. Salsbury, of Adrián, is booked for an oration on Memorial Da; at Angola, Ind. J, Marwilsky and family, of Milan moved one week ago Monday to tlieii new home at Elmore, Ohio. Thomas Mathias, of Ypsilanti, has just returned trom a yisit to England and brought a wife with him. Manchester sets a pricc on certaii heads as follows: Crows 15 cents, 25 01 hawks and 15 on woodchucks. George Kalmbach, of Chelsea, has purchased the Grant house on Nortl street and moved into the same. D. W. Hitchcock & Sons have a new phosphate stovehouse in the Wabash yards, west of the depot at Milan. The Michigan Central vrill lay abou eight miles of track between Chelsea and Grass Lake with 85 pound rails. Charles A. Hall, of Ypsilanti, has taken charge of a tin shop at Man chester. He is a desirable acquisition Dr. Greiner, of Chelsea, bas openec a branch office in Freedom. He wil be at his Freedom office every Wednes day. Mrs. Wm. Patterson and daughter and Mr. Geo. Moorman, of Ypsilanti have returned from a sojourn in Flori day. Mrs. C. P. Ferrier and sqn, of Ypsi lanti, who have been sojourning in Florida for some time, have returnec home. Superior has a band composed of kids only eight years old. They are uniformed and are said to make fine music. The Presbyterian people of Milan have repaiied their church building and services were resumed therein last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Campbell, of Chelsea, are entertaining Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Smith, of Canandaigua, N. Y., for a few days, Jacob Lutz, of Saline, has cleaned up the cemetery, and tixed things up thereabouts in fine shape, preparatory to the spring trade. The township board met at Chelsea last week Monday and appointed A. W. Wilkinson census Enumerator and B. K. Tnrnhiill assistunf,. Brighton girls are ahvays to the front. They have just organized a base ball nine. 'Tis said they will try for a ''bagger" every "hit". Mrs. Chas. McAllister and daughter Miss Lon, of Boulder, Col., who have been visiting in Chelsea for the past few raonths, have returned home. John Hoey, of Dexter, has a large new grain barn under way. The young people say that they will have a dance t" rein as soon as it is tinished. Two-thirds oL the Dnggan property, corner of Cross and Ballard streets, has been sold to Richard Johnson. He paid about $900 for the property. Freeman and Burtless, of Manchester bought 80 acres of the Glimpse estáte recently and have now sold the same, clearing $300 by the transaction. Ground has been broken at South Lyon for the new elevator of J. E. Just & Co. The new structure will be pressed rapidly forward to completion. Harry Whitehead, of Milán, has gone to Berlin, Ont., where he has secured a position as foreman of the tuning departmentof the Berlin Piano works. Manchester ought to qaye a good lot of material for organizing a Coxey army. Since the first of October her nightwatch and marshal have arrested 208 tramps. Willis has some new citizens in the persons of Mr. and Mrs. Honeywell, of Detroit, daughter and son-in-law of John Post. Mr. Honeywell will engage in the lumber business. Miss Donna B. Packard, of Salem, was married last Wednesday to Jesse W. Tyler. The young couple will take up their residence on the Ashley Harlow farm near i'lymouth. Dr. Orton II. Clark and wife, nee Nellie Sawyer, of Ann Arbor, residents of Grass Lake, are the joint proprietors of an eleven pound boy. Whew! that's no bard times boy. Postmaster J. W. Gillespie, of Denton, while hitching up bis horse recently, waseverely injured about the head by a lunge of the animal. It is hoped that he will recover. Postmaster Carpenter, of Ypsilanti, is laid up at bis home, the result of a fall in the postoffice. He should bö removed froru that office that he may avoid such dangers in future. The eighth annual convention of the second district VV. C. T. U. of Michigan will be held in the M. E. church, Tecumseh, April 25 and 26. An interesting program has been arranged. During the past two weeks, according to the Saline Observer, S. T. Fairbank, of that village, has bought and shipped between three and four hundTed bushels of potatoes at 40 cents per bushel. The old Roberts house on the east side at Ypsilanti will be occupied about the first of May by G. M. Brown, who has been keeping a boarding house on Huron street during the past winter. The next lecture in the Wesleyan Guild course will be delivered next Sunday evening by the Rev. Levi Gilbert, D. D., of Cleveland. The subject is, "A Christian Ideal for Young Manhood." Miss Helen Easton, a daughter of Leander Easton of Lima, died at the home of her father on the 14th inst. Hhe was a young lady of great promise, highly esteemed by all who knew her. The Wayne Review and the Wayne Pilot have committed matrimony and are now one. Here's hoping they may enjoya degreeof peacefulnesstowhich they have in the past, at times, been strangers. Mrs. John Hooker, whose home is three miles northeast of Milan, died one week ago Saturday morning, aged 67 years. The funeral occured ou the Monday following at 2 q'clock p. m. The remains was burried at the Baleighville cemetery. Mis. D. Mills, of River Raisin, died April 12, after a long sufiering of six montbs. She was always a great help to the sick in the neighborhood, and is ; great loss to her many friends and bereaved fauiily. The village of Ohelsea has a S-OOO SUit on its hands instituted by Harriet Van Orden for dainages arising f rom falling on a bad sidewalk. The village attorney has been iustructed to defend the suit. John McMahon, of Manchester, will leave soon for Southern California, where he expects to make his future home. He will take with him a car load of goods, including farming tools and a span of horses. Miss Helen Easton, of Lima. died at the home of her parents on Saturday, the I4th insl., of consumption, aged 21 years. The funeral was held at the house on the Monday following, Rev. O. Bailey officiating. Guernsey Curtis, the Adrián hack diiver who is chared with eutting a street car wire has been bound over to the circuit court for trial. John Carpenter, charged with the same offence, had his examiuation last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Smith, of Dexter, have invested in a new and valuable possession. They consider themselves worth an even thonsand dollars more than they were before this latest acquisition. It is a sturdy boy baby. Rev. Joseph Swindt is giving the people of Milán a series of lectures on "Romanism." He has not as yet promised to say anything on "Rum and Rebellion," but probably those topics will come just before election. Thomas J. Farrell, the old and reliable livery man of Manchester, has sold out his stock to Chas. Kuhlenkamp, of Freedom, for something upwards of $2,000. Mr. Farrell had been in the business for nearly a quarter of century. And now comes George Sawyer, of Grass Lake and stakes his reputation as a prophet on the assertion that apple, pear, and plum buds are uninjured. All right George, but remember if those buds prove to be no good, it will go hard with you. The ladies of St. Luke"s Woman's Auxilliary and Sanctuary Chapter, of Ypsilanti, have planned an excursión to Detroit on May 1. The train will leave Ypsilanti at 8 o'clock a. ru., and returning will leave Detroit at 5 o'clock p. m. The round trip will cost 75 cents. The Odd Fellows of Milan made a "bee" and cleaned up the the lot on which thev intend to build a new temple. The Odd Girls, called the Daughters of Rebekah, ministered to the wants of the inner man and woman. Work begins at once on the new building, The Ypsilanti cure for oíd soaks, known as the Keeley Institute, is to be removed to Detroit. Having removed the blossoms froru the noses of all the old bums of the Greek city, it now sighs for more worlds to conquer, aud will therefore go to the neighborïng city of tbe straits, Anson Waring. of Detroit, has purchased a controliiig amount of the stock. Last Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Dennis sprung a little joke upon their daughter Millie and amily, and a real old-fashioned surprise party was the result. About forty of her old neighbors and schoolmates were present and the evening was spent very pleasantly, sq much were they takeu with the enjoyment of the occasion that the wee small hours of morning had arrived bef ore they departed for home. - Saline Observer. Saloon bonds in Chelsea come at $4,000 and those of druggists at $2,000. After having been in a livery stable for seventeen years. a horse got tangled up in a blakket, and feil and broke his neck. He was much prized by the young people of Hillsdale, because he was so old aud reliable that he was perfectly safe to drive in the evening with the lines danglingloosely over the dash.- Hudson Post. What memoirs those drngling lines recall. The program at the Eastern Star social Tuesday evening was very fine. The entertainment was opened with a solo song by Miss Susie Knight. The recitations were by Miss Bessie Daley and Miss Stella Ward. Mrs. E. B. Ford read a poem. Miss Blanch Forsythe also sang a solo, and two duets were sung by Misses [va and Nina Lockwood. The program closed with a quartet by Mrs. Whitmarsh, Mrs. Chapin, Dr. Chapin and Prof. Dennison.- Milan Leader. Last Friday evening while Wilber Tapp, in company with his best girl, was coming to the Eureka party his ïorse was frightened by the sudden appearance of Floyd Arms: bicycle, and without a momentos warning the occupants were unloaded in the ditch )y the roadside, fortunately unharmed. Che carriage, which was badly demolshed, was left in the ditch. The horse went home, the young lady went to the dance, and the driver went crazy after lis horse. Expensive but lucky. - (Jakland Excelsior. The "law and order" committee, provided for in the recent campaign as now constituted, is as follows: Prof. B. L. D'Ooge, Prof. P. R. Cleary, Dr. 5. W. Ryan, Rev. Fr. Frank Kennedy, lev. II. M. Morey, Frank Johnson, Elnathan Doane, J. M. Chidster, W. EI. Sweet, L. S. Warner, Frank Ed?on, Wm. M. Deuble, E. A.. Holbrook, Prof. Daniel Putnam, B. M. Damon, Grove Shipman, O. B. Bradley, Thomis Whalen and J. N. Wallace. The jommittee will meet Friday erening to form plans for the organization of i law and order league, which will be reported at the next meeting of zens