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COUNCIL CHAMBEIt, I ANN ARBOK. April 16, 1894. f Regular session. Called to order by President Wines. Roll called. Present, Aid. Wajyner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger,Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 13. Absent, None. On motion of Aid. Prettyman, the council proceeded to business under the oíd rules until new rules are adopted. The journal of the last session was approved. COMÍOTNICATION KROM THE MAYOR. Td the Honorable, the Comrnon Council: According to custom, it becomes my duty as well as pleasure to greet you with a few words of recomniendation conceming our work for the coming year. b That our city has made wonderful progress in certain directions. is a sentiment silently expressed by the people who are 'coutinually coming here tq build substantial homes. The improvements, which have been instituted f rom time to time, are in accordance with public demand anc they show the value which our citizens place upon progress. There are, however, some questions concerning the welfare of our citizens that will require action by the common council during the present year, iL our city is to be progressive or even maintains the place which she uow holds amoug the cities of the state. That the finances of our city have been well conducted in the past is shown by the low rate of taxation and the prompt payment of taxes. Few cities can boast of so lïttle want and discontent among the laboring classes. While factories in other cities have been shut down, ours have been running on full time, thus giving the laboier the opportunity to provide foi himself and family. Among the questions which the council should consider early, is the completion of the main sewer, or putting it in such a condition that the building of laterals may be started at once. This is necessary that we as citizens maybegin to realize on our investment. The Street Eailway company bas made little progress towards reorganizing and equipping their road and they will probably expect some concession from the Council". So far as l am able to leara, there have been no serious efforts made to increase our watei supply. Our streets and sidewalks are not in a good condition and should receive immediate attention. There is no ordinance to regúlate the closing of saloons. As the matter now stands, they must be regulated by the law of custom or close under the State law. The unequal representation of the people by the wards as they now stand should be considered. All of these topics are of public interest affecting the welfare of every citizen and with this end in view - our progress and happiness- I offer the following recommendations: That the Council request the Board of Public works to put the main sewer in proper condition to be used, as soon as possible. The building of lateral sewers shall be done by contract accoiding to the requirements of the charter, and it should be specified in all contracts that only citizens of Ann Arbor should be employed on public works. The Street Kailway is a public improvement though operated for private interest. The company should receive all the encouragement in the way of cmeessions for changing route or necessiuy delay in reorgauizing that can ei .istentlv be given. ïne dangerous climax which has neiiiiy been i-eached in our water supph on more than one occasion should nut be repeated. While no hardships should be imposed upon the Water Company they may be warned, to live close to the requirements of their charter in furnishing an adequate supply of pure and wholesome water. Our streets, while eomparatively inexpensive are occasionally our reproach. They are so nearly flat as not to be well drained, and are frequently repaired with gravel that has but one redeeming quality of being cheap. An ordinance establishing a cross section of a street properly elevated in the center and rounded to the gutter would greatly improve the drainage as well as the appearance of the streets. I would also suggest that the common council consider the advisability of paving parts of some of our principal streets at the expense of the adjacent property holders. Many of our streets have been beautified by the extensión of the lawns to the curbstone. The time has come when the council should compel these 'extensions to be built at the expense of the property holder, when by so doing they can greatiy improve the appearance of the street, and at the same time increase the yalue of the property. The ordinance which governs the building and repairing of sidewalks should be strictly epforced, not only for the benefit of pedestrians, but to prevent damage suits because of injuries sustained by falling on a detective walk. Our city is fairly well lighted, yet the cost of lighting is great when coinpared with that of other cities owning their own plants. We should look forward to the time when we eau f urnish our own light with a larece annual saving to the city. Any person passing along our street at night, must be painfully surprised at the number of small children playing about at a very late hour. Mauy of these children are already beyond the control of parents and are rapidly beenming l-tough." I would recommend the passage of an ordinance which would subject to arrest all children under twelve years who were out after eight o'clock without parent or guardián. The city ordinances should be revised and published in proper form, not only for the convenience of city officers, but for citizens as well, that they may study them and understandingly comply with the requirements of the law. As a last recommendation, let the council of '94 make a record, to which this and the nextgeneration maypoint with pride and say, they worked for the greatest good to the greatest number Cyrenus G. Dakling, Mayor. Ank Aebor, April 16, '94. On motion of Aid. Kitson the Mayor's message was received, ordered printed and placed on tile. President Wines here appointed the following Standing committees of the cornmon council for the ensuing year: Finance.- Wood, Kitson, Manly. Ordinance. - Prettyman, Bodmer, Manly. Sewers.- Kitson, Manly, Brown, Wood, Martin, Bodmer. Streets.- Martin, Wood, Taylor, Bodmer, Ferguson, Prettyman. Sidewalks.- Manly, Brown, Kitson, Snyder, Allmendinger, Wagner. Fire Department.- Waguer; Prettyman, Allmendinger. Water.- Brown, Kitson, Martin. Pohce.- Bodmer, Wagner, Allmenaingpr. J-ighting.- Ferguson, Martin, Taylor. Bonds.- Prettynian. Wagcner,Snyder Licenses -Taylor, Ferguson,Snyder. Parks.- Alltnendinger, Taylor, Ferguson. Poor.- Snyder, Wood, Brown. IHOM THE BOAKD OF PTJBHC WOBKS. To the Honorable, the Common Council. There being a necessity for a new plank floor and joist, for the Sixth Ward Engine House, the Board of Public Works caased to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolution ordering the same and recommencl that it be adopted. Kespectfullysubmitted, Wm. J.Miller, Clerk. By Alderman Kitson. Resolved, That the appropriation of $85.00 be made from the Contingent Fuud, and the Board of Public Works be directed to cause said floor in the Sixth Ward Engine House put down. Referred to the Coinmittee on Fire Department. FROM THE STKEET RAILWAY CO. Office of the Ann Arbor Street ) Railway Companv, v Ann Arbor, April 9, 1894. ) To the Hon. , the Common Council of the City of Ann Arbor : Gentlemen: At a meeting of the directors of the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company, held at the office of the company, in the city of Ann Arbor, April 9th, 1894, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted, viz: Resolved, That the board of directors of the Ann Arbor Street Railway Company request the Common Council of the city of Ann Arbor to rescind the resolution passed by that body March 5th, 1894, ordering said company to resume running its cars on or before the tOth day of April, 1894, and to extend the time for so doing for a reasonable period." Which resolution I was requested to trausmit to your Honorable Body and to request your favorable action thereon. IIüdson T. Morton, Secretary. Received and filed. FROM TÜE MICHIGAN ELECTRO-AUTOMATIC TELEPHONE COMPANY. Room 1, Butler Block, I Detroit, Mlch., April 14, 1894. f To the Honorable, the Mayor and the Ownmon Council, of the City of Ann Arbor, Mich.: Gentlemen": We hereby make application for permission to construct, maintain and opérate, in your city, a telephone exchange, under the Strauger Automatic System. It is our intention and desire to iustall the plant as soon as practical after you have granted the permission asked for; and to opérate the plant we are preparing to erect at the city of Ypsilanti, and the one we propose putting in at Ann Arbor, if permitted, as one system. We purpose making Ann Arbor the starting point of the new system in Michigan, and to add other places as soon as practicable, until the whole state is practically conneeted under one system. As it is important to know as soon as possible, whether our prayer is to be granted or not, we would respectfully ask that you take action on the petition at the earliest possible convenience. Very respectfully. The Michigan Automatic Telephone Co. A. Mathews, Pres. PETITIONS PRESENTED. Of John Kraus3 and twenty others asking for the necessary order to be passed, ordering sidewalks to be constructed on the east and west sides of Fifth street, f rom Jefferson to Liberty streets. Eeferred to theuommittee on Sidewalks. REFORTS OF CITY OFFICERS. AXXUAL REPORT OP CITV TREASÜRER. To the Common Council: I herewith submit my annual report for the year ending Maren 1 , 1894. CONTINGENT FUND. March 1, 1893, balance overdravvu „ $122 00 Receipts. Appropriation $G,500 00 County Treasurer, liquor tax_ 8,570 11 Anu Arbor Savings ISank, interest 1,258 31 W. J. Miller, Iicense3 81 50 Plus of Roll 153 98 J. W. Beunett, fines 35 00 16,598 90 $18,598 90 Disbuftements. Orders paid 14.471 40 Overdraft March 1, 1893 122 00 14,593 40 Balance on hand. March 1. 1894 $2,005 50 STREET FUXD. March 1, 1893, balance overdrawn 418 01 Receipts. Appropriation - 7,500 00 Order canceled 21 05 Ñ.Sutherland, stone and wood sold, etc. 84 62 7,605 67 $7,605 67 Disbtirsemcnls. Orders paid 6,419 14 Jalance overdrawu March 1, 1893 - 418 01 6,837 15 Balance on hand March 1, 1S94 $768 52 FIEEMEN'S FUND. Balance on hand March 1 '93- 5,620 19 Beceipts. Appropriation 5.000 00 T. Sipley, building permits- 9 00 5,009 00 Total receipts $10,629 19 Disbursements. Orders paid. - 6.821 62 6,281 62 Balance on hand March 1, 1S94 3,80T 57 PÓLICE FUND. Balance on hand March 1, '931,654 93 Receipts. Aüpropriation' 2,000 CO E. B. Pond, fines, 71 00 J. W. Bennett, fines 25 00 I. R. Murray, iees 15 10 Collius, fees 4 40 Charles Wheeler, feea 15 20 2,130 70 Total receipts $3,785 63 Dtsburscvunt. Orders paid 2,083 46 2,083 46 Balance on hand March 1, 1894 $1,702 17 POOE FUND. Balance on hand March 1, '94 1,484 17 Receipts. Appropriation 1,25000 1,250 00 ?2,734 17 Diuburs&meñts, Orders paid 2.091 61 2,094 61 Balance on hand Marca i, 194 639 56 WATER FDND. Bal. on hand March 1, '93 3,178 21 R?cei}t. Appropriation 5,000 00 Total receipts $8,168 21 jyigh urxemcnts. Ordei'á paid 5,570 76 Bal. on hand March 1, '94 $2,670 45 BRIDGE, CULVEKT AND CROSSWALK FUND. Bal. on hand March 1, '88 $5,008 15 Receipts. Appropriation $5,000,00 By Transfer 5,000.00 10.000 00 Total receipts $15,008 15 Dhhursnncnls. Orders paid $3,495 32 To transfer 5,000 00 8,495 32 Bal. on hand March 1,94 $6,512 S3 SEAVER FOND. Recfipte. Appropriation' $ 2,000 00 ale oí bonds 30,000 00 Interest on bonds 137 92 N. Sntherland - stoue 7 9.5 By error in account 7 56 By transfer from B. (J. & C. finid 5.000 00 Total receipts $37,153 43 Diabursements. Orders paid 26.282 19 To transfers from B. C. & C. fund 5.000 00 $31,282 19 Bal. on hand March 1, '94 f5371 24 SOLDIEKS RELIEK FUND. Bal.on hand March 1, '93 $1,109 69 Orders paid 384 32 Bal. on hand March 1, '94 $725 37 DOG TAX FUND. Bal. on hand March 1, '93 $100 00 Bal. on hand March 1, '94- $100 00 CITY CEMETERV FUND. Bal. on hand March 1, '93 $258 67 ReccivU. Appropriation $50 00 E. S. Manl.v. lots sold 62 50 Thos. Speechly, lots sold 20 00 sisa so Total receipts j:l 17 DUbursements. Orders paid 119 91 Bal. on hand March 1, '94 $271 27 DELINQUENT TAX FUND. March 1, '93, overdraft $1,400 81 Receipts. County Treasnrer $157 27 Appropriation 1.300 00 Total receipts $1,457 27 On hand March I, '94 - $56 46 UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AID BOND. On hand March 1, '93 $840 00 Appropriation 3.500 00 ïl,440 00 Bond and interest paid- 3.600 00 Bal. on hand March 1, '91. $S40 00 Respeetfully submitted; Geo. H. Pond, Citv Treasurer. Aid. Manly moved that the report be accepted and ordered Drinted. Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown. Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. The following constable bonds were read and referred to the bond committee: Wm Fldprt i ■ Jacobs, Wm. hldert, J oha8 E Hiscock. Puní Si-hnii I Euftene Oesterlin, Paul Scnall, -j p Fred Keimold t lol Wol v, Í Fredriek Wurster, Jeremiah Walsh, j Fred Kirn. Thomas F. Leonard, philiP Bach' R,Hr.irh K-.rn Í Herman Hardinghaus, Rudolph Kern, j Erne3t Rehberg. it„ - -.v. ) Chas. H. Worden, Henry Marsh, } A F MartinCity Clerk reported contract and bond signed by the Ann Arbor T. H. Electric Co., with the exception of one clause, the contract is the same as last vear. Following is the clause stricken out, "The said party of the first part doth agree to relocate auy of said amps, poles or apparatus, on and at the request x)f the said common council, as soon thereafter as practicaule and witkin five days after notice shall be given, at its said first party's own cost and expense." Aid. Prettyman. Kesolved, That the contract of the Electric Light Co. be referred back to the CityAttorney and the Electric Light Co., to be drawn and signed as agreed n the motion made by Aid. Martin, April 5, 1894: Adopted as follows: Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines,- 13. Nays- None. A bilí of $95.00 of C. H. Manly for 76 assessor plats was read and referred to ;he Finance Committee. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. By Aid. Manly : Resolved, tliat the amount of liquor hnnri befixed at $3.000 and drugglst bond, at $' 4 for the coming year. t-'M) Accepted and Adopted. By Aid. Wood : Resolved, that the City Clerk notify the banks of this city aud receive bids for "e ei tv ' deposits and charge for overdrafts, and nr 3ent the same to the council on the fir-st Mnn day in May. """' Accepted and Adopted. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, that the Finance Committee la hereby instructed to employ some suitahu person to examine the books of the Citv Trp urer and City Clerk. at au expense iiot to er ceed twenty-five dollars, and report at the nli't council meeting. =uext Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson Prettyman, Pres. Wines. - 13. Nays - None. By Aid. Martin : Resolved, that the finauee committee be ra quested to report at the secoud meetinz in May of the council, the flnsuicial condition of the city fuuds, and an estímate of the ueees sary ordinary expenditures of the vear to .arether with the amount available iu 'the vari ous funds on the first dav ot June 1S94 subiext to the order of the Couneil. ""jeci Accepted and Adopted. By Aid. Taylor : Resolved, that an order be drawn on the coa tingent fuud for $95. in favor of Chas H. Manly" in payment for seveuty-six maps as per cou tract heretofore made. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martiu, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines. - 13. Nays- None. Aid. Manly who excused from voting. By Aid. Wood : Hetolved, that $100 be appropriated from the Bridge Culvert and cross-walk fund for the extensión of the culvert on Fountaiu-st betweeu Cherry-st. and Miller-ave. Referred to the Committee on streets. By Aid. Prettyman : Resolved, tliat an appropriation of $"500 be made from the Bridge, Culvert aud cross-walk fuud, to build a uew cement cross-walk on the East side of Washtenaw-ave crossins South Uuiversity-ave. Referred to the Committee on sidewalks. By Aid. Ferguson : Resolved, that a special committee of three be appointed, the President of this Council to be cnairman of said committee, to draft suitable rules for the governmentof this couucil, for the eueuiug year. Accepted and Adopted. President Wines, appointed Aid. Ferguson and Aid. Manly on such tee. Aid. Prettyman moved that the vote by which the resolution of Aid. Manly's passed, March 5, '94, relative to notifying the Ann Arbor Street Railway Co. to run cars on their ilnes, be recotisidered. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allinendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymann, Pres. Wines, - 13. Nays - Xone. On motion of Aid. Prettyman the resolution was laid on the table. By Aid. Manly: Resolved, that the sum of $400,00, be appropriated for the cuttins down and grading of Broadway. On motion the resolution was referred tothe street committee for their consideration, the committee to also subniit a proper street grading for said street. By Aid. Prettyman : Resolved, that the Mayor's Mes9age be referred to a special committee of three for diviaion and reference. Accepted and Adopted. By Aid. Wagner: Resolved, that the sum of twenty-five dollars be and is herebyappropriated f rom the bridge culvert and crosswalk fund for the purpose of oonstructing a crosswalk on the west side of Fourth-ave across Washington street. Referred to the committee on sidewalks. The City Clerk gave notice that census enumerators, one for each ward, must be appointed by this Council before the firsc of May. Aid. Wagner moved that when we adjourn we adjourn to meet Monday, April 23d, '94. Aid. Prettyman moved to amend by inserting "Saturday, April 28, '94." Aid. Waguer moved an amendinent to the amendment by inserting "Monday, April 30, '94." Which amendment to the amendment prevailed as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Pres. Wines. - 13. Nays - None. The original motion as amended then prevailed. Aid. Ferguson moved a recess of five minutes in order that bond comrnittees can examine constable bonds. Which motion prevailed. After expiration of five minutes the souncil reassembled and President Wines appointed the following Committee on the Mayor's message : Aid. Prettyman, Taylor, Wagner. REPORT OF BOND COMMITTEEi Aid. Prettyman, chairman, reported :hat the bond committee, to whom was referred the bonds of Wm. E. Eldert, Paul Schall, Jeremiah Walsh, Thomas F. Leonard, Rudolph Kern and Henry Marsh found thein to be in due form md signd by responsible sureties, and recommended their approval. On motion of Aid. Martin the report vas accepted and bonds approved and onflrmed. On motion the cou'ncil adiourned. Oity Clerk.


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