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Prof . M. L. D'Goge, of the Univer■ïity, is expected to officiate for the 5aagregational people next Sunday at tfea iown hall. Myron McAlister, of Detroit, was iraoïig relatives here the last week. A prohibition club was organized Isere last Tuesday night, and the folSwwmg officers elected. Pres., J. P Wood; vice-president, C. M. Bowen 3scretry, Roy Ilill; treasurer. James FoSiinger. v. W. EL Nichols, of Aun Arbor :-sc;aehed at the town hall last Sunday soaoramg and evening. A very destiuctive hail storm passec over this viilage last Saturday afterïiooa. J-lass to the amount of several -dd dolíais was broken and-much damagí' done. The frame to k Forner's basement barn just ! was leveled to the ground. 'Tiie storm was about a mile wide anc Jiíí much damage. The assessment of mortgages, bank iitoek and other personal property wil lawer th taxes some this year on othei ge-qee: J:y. Si. W. Barry. drain commissioner, ased Jerome Allen, his engineer, were aesre last Friday and Saturday surveymg Mili Lake drain, and were here to SïBtisfa it this week Wednesday. 'Tjae market has been dull and reaeipts smal! the past week. VVheat iicinge -54 ets., rye 45 ets., oats 35 ets., fceMs$l.öO, eggs 9 ets. Che senior class of the high school "'wlll give an entertainment at the town ÜhsU a Friday night, entitled the 'Baaquet of Nations. Aner Beach, of Lima, has bought a house and lot on Orchard street, and wëlajBove to town to live. Sá&vd building is going on, in and a&at this village than for many years Itlrs. Dr. Robertson, of Battle Creek, 'ieLt for her home last Saturday. ."Jfrs. Libbie Day, of Xewaygo, is visiöng iier father, C. S. Laird.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News