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Couucil Cüamber. Aun Afbor, April 30th, 1S94. Adjouraied scesion of April 10, '94. The couneil was called to order by President L. 1). Wlnes. Roll called. Full board present. PETITIONS AND COMMUNICATIONS. To the Commo'n Couucil of the City of Aun Arbor : The petitiou oí James W. Robison respectïnlly shows that your honorable body some time in September, lSflS, ordered a stone or cement wal Icon theeast sidcof Fourtli avenue, and between Washington and Liberty streets, and in front of the property ofyoir petltioner. Your petitioner further shows that his propi erty is used as a livery baru, and that the eutrance to the barn is cousiderably higher than the walk, and that in the winter 'it would be impossible for him to drive in and out over a stone or cement walk. Wherelore your petitioner prays your honorable body to modify your order" heretofoie made, so lar as the same applies to your petitioner, and permit your petitioner to build a plank driveway iuto his barn and build a stone or cement walk on either side of said driveway in front of his said premises: and your petitiouer will everpray. James W. Roiusom. Dated Aun Arbor. Apx-il 3U, 1894. Keferred to lommittee on sidewalks. A petitioai signed by J. T. Jacobs, and nine other business men of the dty of Ahu Arbor, asking that a lateral sewer be put down on Washington street, lrom the mam sewer east 10 Fourth avenue. Referred to the committee on sew. era. A petition signed by Francia "W. I Ivelsey and twenty other residents and property hoïders of the 6th ward, asking that a íire hydrant be placed on Tappan street, at or near its junction wlth E. University' avenue. Keferred to committee on water. A petition signed by Chas B. Nancrede laind eleven other residents and property holders on Ingalls st., and Oornwell Place, of the city oï Ann Arbor, asking that an electric light be located oii the corner of Ingalls et. and Comwell place. Keferred to committee on Llghtlng. A petitioe signed by Chas. A. iluma aaid five other residents and property holders on E. Huron st., of the city of Atnn Arbor, asking that sidewalk be ordered built on the south side of E. Huron st. from IngaJls to Thirteemth streets. Referred to the committee on sidewalks. A petition signed by Maek & Schmid and nine other business men, asking tJiat a cement cross-walk be ordered put down on and along the north side of Liberty street, crossing Main 6t. Referred to the committee on sidewalks. REPORT OF STANDING COMMITTEES. OKDINAXCES. Chainnaii Prettyman, of tlie ordinauce cominittee, leave liaving been grantetl, introdueed "An Ordinance Relative to the graaiting of a franchise to the Michigan Electro-Automatic Telephone Co," which was read the first -time by its title. FBOM THE STREET COMMITTEE. To the Common Council : Your cominittee on streets. to whom was referred the communication irom the Board of Public Works, asking for an apprqpriation of $400.00 to do the necessary gradiug on the north end of Broadway, would recommend that the $400.00 be takeu from the Street Fund. The cominittee also submit the accompanying grade and proflle which they recommend for adoption, your committee caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolution establishing said grade. Respectful'.y submitted, Christian Martin, H. G. Prettyman, Frank Wood, A. P. Ferguson, V. L. Taylor, P. D. Bodmer. Street Committee. Accepted, and recoanmendation concurred in as followB : Yeas- Aids. "Yag-ner, Bodnier, Martin, AllnieiidLnger, Bnyder, Fsrguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres-. AVines- 13. Nays- None. Leave being granteil, the following resolution was offered : Bv. Aid. Martin : Whekeas, In the opinión of the Council the grade on the center line of Broadway street, Ought to be changed and fixecl and established, to the end that such street may be made suitable and sa!e for public travel and traffic, therefore Resolved, And it is hereby ordered that the grade on the center line of Broadway street from north Corporation line to north end of iron river bridge, be and the same is hereby changed, fixed and established, so that the grade of said sidewalk on and along the street aforesaid shall be as follows. that is to say: At the north corporation line 912.00 ft. " 300 ft. southerly from corp'n line. 09.40 " " 600 " '■ " ' " 903.70 " " 1100 " " 884.00 " " 1400 " ' " " " 866.35 " " 1600 " " " " " S56.0O " " 1900 " ' " " " 829.92 " ,' 2200 " " " ' " 808.77 " " 2500 " " " " " "92.76 " " 2700 " ■' 783 80 " " 2900 " " ' ' " 776,50 " ' 3000 " ' " ' " 774.00 " ■ 3150 " " 772.65 " ' 3300 " ' " ". " 772.50 " ' 3700 ' " " " " 776.00 " " 3850 ' " ■' " " 777.10 " 4100 " - " " ' 777,10 " " 4200 " ' 775.50 " " 4300 " " ' 772.90 " " north end of iron river bridge 771.50 " the elevation given beingabove the official city datum and aloug the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereofto consist of straight lines between the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmei', Martin, Allmendinger, Bnyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kiteon, Prettyniam, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. KROM THE SAME. To the Common Council : Your committee ou streets, to whom was referred the [jetition of J. H. Cutting and other residents and property owners on Monroe street, between State and Packard streets, protesting against a change of grade on said Monroe street (protest made to the Common Council July 19, 1893). And a petition signed by Henry S. Carhart, J. H. Cutting and E. F. Mills, representing as now being satisfied with the said grade as submitted to them by the City Engineer. We would recommend that the Board óf Public Works cause the necessary grading to be done on said Monroe street, as neretofore ordered by the Council. Your committee also caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolution establishing said grade. Respectfully submilted, Ciiristian Martin, H. tí. Phettyman, Frank Wood, A. F. Ferguson, W. L. Taylor, P. L. BODMKK, Street CommitteeAccepted, and recommendation confurred in as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, AlLmendinger, 8nyder, Ferguson, Brown, Maoily, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. j Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner. Bodmer, Mnrti'.i. Allinomlinger, ehyder, Ferguson, I'.rown, Maaily, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, AVood, Pres. Wiiies- 13. Nays - ,oiü'. Leave bedrag grantedf, the following resolution was offered : By. Aid. Martin : WHEREA8, In the opinión of the Council the grade on the center line of Monroe Street ougnt to he cliarmeri, fixed and established, to the end that such street may be maiie sultableandsaiefor imblic travel and tratiïc therefore Resolved, And it. is hereby ordered the srnule on the ren er line of .Monroe street firom east line of Thompson street to West line of S. State street, be and the same is liereby changed fmm the present grade and fixed and est&bllvhed, so that the grade on and aloug sucli street shall be as follows l.hat is to say : Ateast line of Thompson street 847 10 ft " 15üft.e.of thee. lineof Thompson 857 70 "' " 250 88160 .. " 3oO " 864 60 " im ;; ;; '; ; sessooOU " " ' ' " ' SÖ7.00 " " the west line of s. State street StiT.tX) " the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto and the grade thereof to consist of straight lines betweeu the several points or stations above stated. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allnicndinger, Bnyder, Ferguson, Tiioun. Majüy, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. "Wines- 13. Nays- Xoiie. KROM THE SAME. To tlie Common Council: Your cotnmittee on streets, to hom was referred the contmunicatiou of the Board of Public Works, asking for an appropriatiou ot' $50.00 for the grndiug of the south end of Gott street, would recommend that $50.00 lic appropriated from the Street Fund for sueh gradniir Respectfully snbmitted, Christian Martin, H. G. Pbettymax, Krank Wood. A. P. Ferguson, W. L. TAYLOR. P. L. Bodmer, Street Committee. Accepted, and recommeiidation coucurred iu as follows : Yeás- Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendiiiger, ■Snj'der, Ferguson, Btowii, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettynntfun, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. FROM THE SAME. To the Common Council : Your committee on streets, to whom was reíerred a eertain resolution, asking for the ap propriation of $100.00 for the extensión of the ends of the culvert on Fountain street between Cherry street and Miller avenue. Wt would recomraend that the City Engineei make proper plans and specifications of these proposed extensions, with an estimate cost o) the same, at our next council meeting. Respectfully submitted. Christian Martin', H. G. Pkettyman Frank Wood, a. P. Ferguson. W. L. Taylor, P. L. Bodmer, Street Committe Accepted, and reconimendation eonourred in as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wag-ner, Bodnier, Martin, Allmendinger, -Snyder, Ferguson, Browu, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyiman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. FROM THE SAME. To the Common Council : Your committee on streets, to whom was referred the communication from the Board of Public Works, askiug for an appropriation of $100.00 for the grading on Third street and Krause street betweeu Huron and Liberty streets, your committee find that the street and sidëwalk grades heretofore established on August lst, 1S92, on said Third street is not satisfactory to the residents ana property holders. and your committee are of the unanimous opinión that the cut of said grade, as established, is unnecessary and uncalled for. We would therefore recommend that said strtet grade be changed, alsq that the sidewalk grades be changed to conform to the new street grade. Your committee have caused to be prepared and herewith submit the proper resolution changing said grade. We also recommend tbat the aripropriation of $100.00 be nade from the Street Fund, to do the necessary grading on Third and Krause streets, between Liberty and Huron streets. Respectfully submitted, Christian Martin, H. G. Prettyman, Frank Wood, a. P. Fekglson. W. L. Taylor, 1'. I,. Bodmer. Street Committee. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wag-ner, Podmer, Martin, Allmemlinger, Suyder, Perguson, Browu, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Na vs - Xoaie. I.tave being granted, tlie following resohition was offered : By Aid. Martin : Whbreas, in the opinión of the Gouncil the grade on the center line of West Third st. ought to be ehanged and flxed and established. to the end that such street, may be made suitable for public travel and traffic. Therefore Rcsolivd, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on center line of W. Third st. from center of W. Liberty st. to center of E. Washington st., be, and the same is hereby ehanged from the present grade and h'xed and established, so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say: At center of liberty st 821.50 ft. ' 170 ft northerly from center of Liberty st 819.50 " " 225 ft northerly from center of Liberty st - -.817.50 " ' center of Krause st 812.00 " " 60 feet northerly from center of Krause street 807.5P " " 135 feet northerly from center of Krause srreet. 8J4.00 ' ' 200 feet northerly from center of Krause street sOl.50 " " center of W. Washington street 7!W.5O " the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of sald s reet, the roadway to conform thereto, and the grade thereof to consist of straight lines between the several polnts .or station above stated. Note- This change was made by order of street Com., and the deepest cut is now only 2ft. 3 in. The sidewalk may be left hlgher so as to give only a cut of say 18 inches. C. F. Keï, City Eng. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodmier, Martin, Allmendinger, iSnyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays - None. Leave being granted, the following resolution was offered : By Alctorman Martin: Whebeas, In the opinión of theCouncil the grade on center line of Kranse t. ought to be changed and fixed and establlshed, to the end that such street may be made suitable and safe lor public travel and trattic, therefore, and it is hereby ordered that the grade on center line of Krause st. from west line of W. Third st. to end of Krause st. be, and the same is hereby changed from the present grade and fixed and established,so that the grade on and along such street shall be as follows, that is to say : At west line of West Third street 812.50 ft. " = ft. westerly from w. line Third SU8.00 " " 100 " ' " B.50 " i. ]50 . .. . .. ■ 805.00 " " 220 " " ' " 804.50 " the elevation given being above the official city datum and along the center line of said street, the roadway to conform thereto. and the grade thereof to consist of straight Unes between theseveral points or stations above stated Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wag-ner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, rênyder, Ferguson, Brown, ManJy, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Naye- None. FROM THE S 1MH. j ■ To the Common Conncfl: Your joint eommittee en ordiuances and Btreets, to wliom was referrêd the petitiou of lihe Klectro-Automatic Telephone Company. askihg lor a franchise and permission to con-ti-iu'i. maimain and opérate, iu thlg city, al telephone exchange. ander the Strauger Automatic system, ivoüld respectfully reeommend unit the matter t.e referréd to the ordinauce eommittee and the city attorney. with iustrnctions to draft i suitabfe ordinance From the . brief examinatiou yonr eommittee have been , , able to give the seems practical, and , auy feaslble nieaiis of reduclng telephone : ■ réntale should !e welcomed. i ReSpectfuily snbmitted, 'HKISTIAN Martin, I I H. ii. f'KETTY.MA.N, ; ' Frank Woon, . A. P. FexSCSON, W. L. Ta Y LOR, ■ P. L. BODMKK, Street (.'ommittee? Aeceptéfl and recommendation conCurred in. Cliairma.n Martin aaked for iurther t.ime to report on the matter of replauiking viaduct over M. C. R. R. Co. tracks. Further time was grantecl. On motion the floor was granted ! to Dr. Hale, reoeiver of the Aim Arj bor Water Company. giving the couni til :u invitntion to visit the reser! vnir and pumping station. REPORT FROM THE BOND COMMITTEE. To the Common Conncil: Your eommittee on Bonds w.'uild respectj report ttiat they have examjned the ! followins bonds of liquor dealera aml drug1 gists and woulil reconoroend tbelr approvál wítb the sureties rjamed: SALOON' BONDS. Principal. Sureties. Wm. A. & Jacob Gwinner, Gottlob Lulok, Ëmamiel Luiek. August Schneider, Chrlstian Helber, John G. Seyfried. Clancy & Stieglimnaier, „üeorge Claikens, Kd wn ixl Byoraft. John G. F. Schmid, Geo. F. Stein, Jacob Dupper. Hugh F. Shields Henry C'. Exinger, John M, Wagner. George A. Waidelloh, Albert Marechke, John Manlbetscli. Christian Gaans, August Herz, G. Henry Binder. William H. Mclntyre Fredrick Wurster, Fred. Bessimer. August Herz, Christian Gauss, John Hagan. Christian Spaeth, Emanuel Wagner, Michael Swebler. Gottfried F. Schoettle, John Heinzmann. Ohrist. Schlenker. Fredrick Brown, Geo. F. Stein, L. C. Welnman. John Berger, Emanuel Wagner, Mat nías Fiseher. Gottlieb Knapp, Mathias Fischer, Adolph Kemper. Henry V. McNally, lermiah Walsb, Gustave Brehra. P. Fred. Reimold, Gustave Brehm, Fredrick Staebler. Emil Golz John Reynolds, Gustave Brehm. J. Jacob Kocb, Kniest Renberg, John Koch. Michael F. Schaible, John Hagen, Mathias Fischer. William F. Kapp Ernest Rehberg, A. A. Meuth. William L. Frank, Michael Staebler, Jacob Laubengayer Anton Brahm, H. Hardinghaas, John Laughlin. John Fritz, Ernest A. Dieterle, H. Hardinghaus. Edsell T. McClure, Casper Rinsey, H. Hardinghaus. John Goetz et Son, Fredrick Kim, ' John Goetz, Jr. Fred Bessimer, W'm. H. Mclntyre. Ed. V. Hangsterfer Add Collum, Wesley Hicks, Jacob A. Polhemus John Goetz, Jr., Tohn Goetz, Sr., William Goetz. Adam Ritz H. Hardinghaus, Emil Golz. Joseph S. Parker, Warren E. Walker Fred Besimer. John Maulbetsch, John Widmeyer. Geo. A, Waidelich, Louis Kurtz P. Fred Reimold, John Berger. Charles Binder, John Walz, Albert Mann. Adolph Kemper. Mathias Fischer, Henrv C. Apfel. Ann Arbor Brewing Co. -Herman Hutzel, John Kapp. Martin & Fischer, Jacob Lau-engayer Charles Binder. Gotfried Goekenbach, C. W. Grossman n, Theo. T. Walker. Geo. S. Nixon, Wesley Hicks, H. Hardinghaus. DRUGGISTS' BOXDS. H. J. Brown, L. Gruner Geo. B. Mason. E. E. Calkins, Judson H. Warner, Geo. B. Mason. John Moore, Mills B. Gelston, W. D. Harriman. Mann Bros., Henry J. Manu, Frederick Schrnid. Respectfully submitted. H. J. Prbttvmas, C. W. Wagnbe, C. J. Snyder. Boud Committee. Accepted, and irecommendation coneurred in as follows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Bnyder, Ferguson, Brown, Maonly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettymaa, Wood, Pres. AVines- 13. Nays- None. JÍKPORT OF SPECIAL COMMITTEE. To the Honorable Common Council : Your committee ou rules, to whom was referred the question of rules of the Commou Couneil for the ensuing year, respectfully beg leave to report : That the rules of the preceding council be adopted, with the following exceptions and additions: That in Rule 3, Reports of Standing Committees. "Sewer" followafter "Ordinance,"and "Bond" follow af ter " License " ; That Rule 14 read as follows : " When a question has been taken, it shall be in order for any member voting with the majority to move a reconsideraron thereof at the same or the next regular meeting, but no question shall a second time be reconsidered. Respectfully submitted, L. D. WlNES, C. H. Manly, A. P. Ferguson, Committee. Aid. Prettyman inoved to amend the report by striking out Rule 14. Which amendment was lost by a yea and nay vote, as follows : Yeas - Aid. Wagner, Prettyman - 2. Nays - Aid. Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Wood, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, and President Wines- 11. The report was then accepted and recommendation concurred in. REPORTS OP CITY OFFICEKS. ANNUAI. REPORT OF FIRE COMMISSIONERS. To the Honorable Common Council : We herewith submit the following annual report of the Chief of the Fire Department, contaiuing the recelpts and expenses of the department for the year. Moses Sea bolt, President of the Board of Fire Com. W. J. Miller, Clerk. Ann Arbor, Jlich., April 15, 1894. To the Honorable Board of Fire Commissioners: Gentlemen,- In eompliance with the rules of the Fire Department, I herewith submit my if th annual report, in which I wil] cndeavor to show in detail the work performed by the Department during the year euding April lst. L8i)4; also to give as near as can be ascertained a correct report of the fires during the year, the causes thereof, the amount of loss by fires, and the amonnt of insurance paid on such osses, together with other statements that may be of interest to you Honorable Body. The number of alarms responded to diiring the year were00,42of which wereby telephone. The causes were as follows : Chimney lires causiug but slight damage 16 Sparks from locomotivo 5 Jefectlve chimneys 3 Jarless depositing ashes 3 Wood stoves 3iasoline stoves 3 Cigaretts 2 Spontaneous combustión.- 2 jnüdren playing with matches 2 Jurning rubblsh 2 Oias jet 1 Aupóla in molding shop 1 Break in gas pipe 1 Snioke-house - 1 Lumber on top of boiUr 1 Stoveplpe ----- - i Explosiono! ether 1 Bed tick against heating drum 1 Dropping liehted match in clothes closet- 1 Lamp in contact with cnrtaiu 1 lucendiary 2 ilnknown 7 Value of property destroycd $29.738 00 lusurance paid 22.717 15 Loss in excess of insnrance paid 6,990 85 Total amount of iusurance carried- 93,075 00 The amount of losses is greatly in excess of those recorded during the previous four years of theexisteuce of the present method ofcouducting the Department, which can be attributed in a large amount to two flres, at the first of which, the Hamilton Park fire, the apparatus respouding to the alarm were rendered useless by the great distauce betweeu the fire and the nearest water. Had there been a hydrant within convenient distance the loss could not have been over one-teuth of whac it was. At the other, the street railroad barn and cars were almost destroyed before au alarm was received at the Engine House. Had we been immediately uotlfied, we could have saved considerable property. The adjacent buildings still stand a monument to the efficiency of the Department after it arrived at the fire. ïhenumber of miles traveledresponding to and returning from above alarms - GGJ.Í Kumber of feet of hose laid -,2,050 Number of chemicaU discharged 34 Value of Department property: Value of buildings and lots f18,000 00 ' apparatuses 2,500 00 " five horses 500 00 4i " two sets doublé haruess SWO 00 -' ' one single harness 70 00 " oats 12 00 41 " hay and straw 10 00 " six' horse blankets 25 00 " whips, curry combs and brushes 5 00 " " siamese coupliug pipes, etc. 100 00 " hose 2,200 00 "ISbeds 75 00 " 4 stoves 88 00 " chairs, brooms, etc. 15 00 Total $23.747 00 Expenses of Department: Expense íbr salaries $5,0C2 58 hose 392 00 siamese hydrant gate 36 00 lauterus 10 00 rubber gaskets i 25 doctor billa, raedicine.etc. meu injured July 4th - 323 62 bedding and towels 35 77 "washing 67 15 brooms 6 25 soap, scrub brushes, etc 3 18 oil. lantern globes aud wicks 24 68 matches ' 75 painting hose wagons 72 00 fuel 92 ló oats 207 39 hay 121 37 straw 10 90 corn 14 09 bran and meal 12 15 carrots 7 47 medicine and medical attendance for horses 17 40 repairs on haruess 6 45 wnips, curry combs aud bi'uslies- 5 15 horsesboeing - 33 15 general blacksmithing - i 50 repairs ou apparatus 30 17 paint. oil and glass 23 bl repairs on building 31 23 lumber 65 45 shovel axhelves and pail215 sponges 1 00 polish 75 Chemicals 10 71 salt 1 00 freight 1 12 fire and water journal,2 years 6 00 new doors 111 SO Total f6,852 59 RECEIPTS. For building permita... $8 00 For oíd flooring - 1 U0 Total 9 ' APPARATU8. The apparatus of the Department are all in good condition. HOSE. We have 3,650 feet of serviceable rubber-lined cotton hose. HYDEANTS AND WATER. There has been no increase in the number ■of hydrants or exteusiou of water mains duriug the year. We have raised a uumber of the low hydrauts, but owing to a questiou iu the -Couacil as to the liability of the City for the expense thereof, work was stopped. As there are still several hydrants that need chauging and some bilis unpaid, I respectfully suggest that your Body with the Council Comrnittees on Water and Fire Department, take the matter into consideration, so that the work eau be satisfactorily completed. From obaervance in andabout the puraping station, I feel warranted to state that the prospect for an adequate supply of water is hetter than ever before. HOKSES. The horses, eonsidering the service they have perlbrmed, are In very good condition. MEN. The changes caused by the accident to Kapp and Carroll on that deplorable 4th day of July, '93, are the only ones in the manual forcé of the Department, during the year. Trusting that better results can be obtained 1y bringing all matters singly before your body and the proper committees of the council, I make no suggestions at present in regard to repairs or improvements. Thanklng your Honorable Body for courtesies and confldence, I very respectfully subnit the above report. Fkkd Sipley, Chief of Fire Department. On motiou of Aid. Martin the report was received, filed and ordered spread ou the records. ANXUAL KEPORT OP THE CITY PHYSICIAN. To the Honorable Mayor and Couucil : Gentlemen- I herewitU submit to yon my report as city physiciau for the year ending May lst, 1894: Ordiuary visits at home of the sick 178 Yive cases of labor, witli total oí 18 visits.. IS Total number of visits 196 Prescriptious filled at the house of sick IOS Prescrlptions filled at the ofliee 154 Total prescriptious 322 Six surgical cases were treated, iucludlng dressing and medicine at the office. Gentlemen, I am vour obedient servaut, E. A. Clark. Received and ordered filed and printed. To the Honorable Common Council of the City of Aun Arbor, Michigan : Report on diseased peach trees, known as " peach yellows." The undersigued. commissioner on "peach yellows" and -black-not" on other fruit trees, respectfully submit the following as the result of iuspection, in the last week of August, 1893, of the peach orehards located within the city liinits: In the orchard belonging to the estáte of J. D. Baldwin, I found 28 trees effected with the yellows, which I have marked and condemned for removal '2S Janltor in sixth ward school house-- 2 Woodmansee 14 Mumery, janitor in high school z C. C. Clark & Bro., 98 trees had been removed before inspectiou 93 Carr, opposite Observatory a In the orchard belouging to the estáte of Hansou Sessious I fouud 22 Moses LaJoy b Daniel Hiscock. 4. Four had been removed before inspection 8 W. Cochran 3 John Wurster Í4 N. B. Covert 1 tieo. Weeks, 2. Two had been removed . ore inspection - 4 Rhodes, 1 ; was removed before mspectiou 1 Miss Fisher; were removed before tion r - Albert Fruenauff 2 Butts 1 In the orchardof the eomnuasioner 20 trees were diseased aud removed as soon as discovercd, during the month of July aud August ""_ Total -- 12i I have iuspected every orchard kuown to me, and found the dlsease to prevail in all of them but 3, viz: in that oi the estáte of Wm. Campbell, Lenou, and McDonald. I mention the fatter three as a matter of record, aud to ■see how they will stand in the future. The exteiit of the disease in the different orchards varies greatly. While in sonie orchards less than one per cent. were affected, in one small orchard, or garden, seventy-flve per cent. of the trees were affected with the disease. The worst was that oL Fredenck Wurster, in which 14 out of the 20 trees growing were diseased. AU the oivaers of diseased tree? cheerfully couscEtad to remove the trees marked a's affectea. Only bcariug orchards were inspected. The disease is raieiy fouud in younger oreuarda, aud eau be recognized - u thefruitia ou the tree, Hearing the ripenius stage. JACOB GaNZHOEN, Commissouer. Ou motion of Aid. Prettyman the report -was received mul ordered printed. City Clerk Miller reported contract and bond executed by the Ann Arbor Ïhompson-Houston Electric Company, for lightiag the city for the ensuing year. Which bond iand contract was, ou motion of Aid Martin, accepted and approved. City Attomey JS'orris reported that the Ellis estáte hhd as yet not settled the matter of damage Mrs. Kenny received on sidewalk at No. 7 E. Ann street. Aid. Prettyman moved that tlie city attorney at unce brlng iuit in the name of the city aguinst tlie Ellis estate, for damage and cu-ts. Adopted as iollows : Yeas - Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Bnyder, Fergusou, Brown, Blanly, Taylor, Kitson, tyraa.u, Wood, Pres. Wines- 13. Nays- None. By Aid. Kitson : Resolved, Tliat the sum of one hundred dollars be appropriated froru the street fund, to grade the hill at the junetion of avenue and Oxford street. On motlon of Aid. Prettyman the resolution was referred to the street eommittee-for ïïieir consideratlon, the oommittee to also submit a proper grade for sald street to the eouncil at its next meeting. By Alderman Manly : Resolved, ïhat the mayor and the eouncil vibit the pumping station and reservoir of the Ann Arbor Water Co. on Tuesday afternoon May lst, 1894 at 3 o'clock p. on., city time. Adopted. By Alderman "VVood : Resolved, That a eommitee of three be appointed by the president of the coumcil to ascertain the cost of a three-seated spring wagon, and report at the next meeting. Adopted. Pres. Wines appointed the following committee : Aids. Wood, Manly and Ferguson. By Aid. Brown : Resolved, That the sum of $25 be appropriated from the street funil, appropriated from tlie street fund for the purpose of paj-ing for the sprinklIug of the streets around the court house sqiiare aaid in front of the city offices. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Allnendinger, Ferguson, Brown, Taylor, Kitson,, Pre. Wines- 9. jy-ayg-Alds. Martin, Wood, Sñydér, Manly- 4. The following census enumerators were appointed by the aldermen of each ward : lst ward- W. K. Childs. 2d ward- Geo. B. Schwab. 3d ward- M. H. Mills. 4tli ward- Fred A. Howlett. 5tU ward- Mrs. Carrie Kellogg. 6tlv ward- Wm. Cleaver. Aid. Prettymau inoved that the appointnients made, be confirmed. Adopted as follows : Yeas- Aids. Wagner, Bodmer, Martin, Allmendinger, Snyder, Ferguson, Brown, Manly, Taylor, Kitson, Prettyman. Wood, Pres. Wiues- 13. Nays - Xone. Mil. l'i'Pttvman moved that a cial committee of three be appointed hy the chair, of which the president of tuis coumcil Bhall be ehalrman, to look up all the city prmting, and report to this council with plans and specifications. Adopted. Pres. Wines appointed Aid. Pretty man and Akl. Manly on sueh com mittee. On motion of Aid. ilartin, a rece? oí five minutes was taken. Chairman I'rett.vman, of the bont committee, recommended that th bonds of Gotfried Goekenbach ant Geo. S. Nixon, be added to tJie repor of the bond eommittee, made thi eveuing. Adopted. On motion the council adjourned. City Clerk.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News