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P.o:e:dingsof the Board of Public Works foFPICIAL.l Office of the Board of Pibmc Work,) ann AKBOE, May :;, 18i4. J Regular Session. Oalled to order by Tres. Keech. Koll callecl. Full board present. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. The sewer and street bilis for the month of April were read and audited by the board and their payment recommended to the Common Council at sums stated. On motion the Board adjourned. W. J. Mjljjër, Clerk. BUCKLEN'8 ÁRNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Dlsers, Snit Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblnlus.Corns.and all Skin Eruptions and positively cures Piles ,or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect Batistaction, or ruoney refunded. Price, 25 eente peí box. For sale by The Eberbach Drug and Chemical Co., Ann Arbov, and Geo. J. Haussler. Manchester. Notice of Drain Letting. "VOTICE IS HEREBY Gl VEN, That I, Daniel - W.Barry, CountyDraln Oommissioner ol tlie County of Washteuaw, State of Michigan, will, on the 24th day of Muy, A. D. 1S)4, at the lower end of Ditch in the township ot Saline, at ten o'elock in the forenoon of that day, proceed to reeeive bids for the construction of a certain drain known and designa ted as "the Saline River Drain," located in the said townships of Saline and Bridgewater, and described as fohows, to-wit : Commencing on the town line between Saline and Bridgewater. 20 chains N. of the S. W corner of section 18, town 4, S of range 5 E, running thence N 88 degrees, E 13 chains, thence N 32 degrees, E 23.50, thenee S 88 degrees, E f 50 chains, thence S 80 degrees, E 4 chains, thence N 50 desrees. B 12 chains, thence N 54 degrees, E 5 chains, thence N tía degrees, E chains, thence N 60 degrees, E V chains, theuce N 47 degrees, E 25 chains, thence N 78 degrees, E 8 chains, thence N 75 degrees, E 20 chains, thence N 56 degrees, E 7 chains, thence N 36 degrees, E 18 chaina, thence N 19 degrees. east 12 chains, thence ST 11 degrees, E 9 chains, thence Si degrees E 13 i-hains, thence N 17 degrees, E 18 chains, thence N 50 degrees, E 23 chains, thence N 41 degrees, E 12 chains. Said drain is to be 12 ft. wide on bottom frcwi lower end up to the east line of land owned by John Layer, the balance to be 8 ft, wide. Total length of drain 8)0 rods. Said job wil! be let by eections . The section at. the outlet of the drain will be let lirst, and the remaining in their order up stream, in accordance withtke diagram now onfllewith the ot her papers oertaining to said drain, in the olüce of the Commissioner, to which reterence may be had by all pari Interested anit bids will be made and received accordingly. Contracta will be made with the lowest responsible bidder giving adequate 86curity for the performance of the work in a sum then and ttaere to be flxed by me, reserving tomyself the right to reject any and all bids. The date for the completion of sucn contract, and the terms of payment therefor. shall be announced at the time and place of Nolice is further hereby g-iven, That at the time and place of said lettinj;, or at suoh other time and place thereafter to whieli 1, the Dram Uominissioner aforetaid, may adjourn the samo, the assessments for beoefits and the lands conciprised witbin the "Saline River Drain Special Assessment District," will be subject to review. I 'Cbe lollowinsr is a description of the several traots (r parnels of land COnstitutdng the Special Assessment District of said drain. viz: Saline Townshlp: SW', NW % sec. 9; W y, E % N E , -cc. 8: w V4 N E M sec. li; W !4 S E K sec. SiNJiSW H N E ]4 se. 17; E 2 S E U sec. 8; 10 a E eide N end E !4 part of S E K S W'iht, s: that part of B ','2 N W Ü ser. ir, east cf highway, 8 a; that part E side N W V, N W which lies south or ditch, N and V part N W H N W sec. 17; 12 a on north end nf t.hat ï-m'rt. Tï i N1 W i sec. 17. whieh lies .vestof nighway; 8WJ4 N E U ■.■(-. 17: N % S W i N E 'i sec 19; 15 a west side NEÜNE ■i sec. 19; N 'W Ji N vv % sec. 19: N W K S E ü sec IS: SE H S W '4 sec. 18; N E % N W 4 séo. 19; SWÍÍSBM ser. 18 30 a N end S W '4 N WMsec.17: 19 a S end E y2 N W ü gec. 17, trhich lies west of highway ; S 30 a of W % W 'í N E í sec. 18; 10 a east side of N 18 a oí S 3.; ÍN W 4 sec. 18; W % S W -4 seo. 18; N E 2 ? W } sec. 18; E W H N E h sec. 18; W H E '4 NBHNEH sec. 18; 32 a N W part of S K '4 N E H sec. IS; that part west of dileh W H 9 W ! , i'C 17; that pavt E of ditch W % SWl4 sec. 17; 8 a S E corner E % N E ü Bëc. IS; 10 a S end W ('. of N W H sec. 17; III a S t ud S W ! N E i Sec. 17; 10 a N end N W M S E H sec. 17: W V. E Vt W 2 N E '4 sec. 18; S K 8 E sec. 5; N1, Ê'jENE h sec. 8; S M E ;4 E % N bc 8. Brldgewater townshlp: NB % N e 24; 10 a S end S E & S E !4 sec. 13; N E H ö E 'i Ree. 14; S E 10 acres of E 14 N E ' 13; N W'iSB'i sec IS: SWjSE 54 sec. 18; N 80 a S E 4 8 E K sec. 13; 8 E "i N K '1 sec. 24; andalsothe townahlps Of Saline and Bridgewater at larjre. Dated, tuis seventh day of May, A. D. 1894. DANIEL W. BAHKY, County Drain Commlssioner of the Opunty of Wasbteuaw.


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