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Notice oT Drain Letting, R IS HBIÏKHY -.IVEV T I :. Daniel ■ p . Kai-rj . i ou ■ ' ulo L'i -- oner of ry ( f lvs tej . Stat uan, vil), on tlie 2fh il. v ( .: May. i n i.u, at he Iowpi end of lit u of 'allne, m ten o'eli-ck In ihe fmenuon of h;u day, proceed to rooeivx1 uids for the lonstructlon of a certain drain kuown and Ie8lgnatedas"the!ialine River Uraln " located n the said townships of Saline and Hridge ;ilcr. ani! de-cnlcl as fo] OW8, 10-Wlt : ( 'oiniiH-iifuiy" od the lown line foetween 9aIne and Brldgewater, 20 ohalns X. o( the S. iV corner of section 18, town 4. 8 o1 range 5 S, runotng thenoeN BSdegrees. B 13 ohalns, henee N 32 degrees, E 23.60. thenne s x degrees, E 5 GO ohains, thence B 80 degrees, B 4 liains, thence N 50 degrees. E 12 chaina, henee N ?4 degrees, K 5 chaina, thence N 68 legrees, F. '■' cliains, thenae N (i.i degrees, E lo jhalns, theace N 47 degrees, E 25 ehains, henoe N 78 degrees, E 8 chalns, thence N 75 legrees. E 20 onain, tlience N w detrrees. E f cliuius, thence N 36 degrees, E 18 ohalns, henee N 19 defjrees, east l ohalns, thence S 11 degrees. K 9 ohains, thence 83 degrees E 8 chalns, thence N 17 degreeB, E is chaina, :hence N S'i degrees. E 22 chalns, thence Ñ4Í legrees, E 12 chalns. Said drain is to be 12 ft. vide on botton) trom lower end up to the east line "f land owned byjohn Layer, the balmoetp be B it. vfide. Total lengt h of draiu 40 roas. Said job will be let by eeotlons. The sed ion ittheoutlet of the drain will be lei Brst, and the remalning 9ectln in their order up -in-iiiij. in aocordance wlththe diagram now mtile witli the other papers nertaining losaid drain, in the office of the Commissloner, to whlch reference may be bad by all partiea inlerestedana bidgwlll be made ana reueived icoordlngly. Coni racts il! be made with the lowest responslble bidder glving adequate seruritj t'or the performance of 'the work in a sum then and tliere to be Sxed by me, reseivng to myself the rlght to pejoot auy and alt bids. Tne date tor the oompletion of such contract, and the term? ot payment therefor, sliall be inuounued at the time and place of lettiui:. Notice is further hereby given. That at the time and place of said lettinir, or at such other time and place thereafter io wblch I, th' lirain Oommlasloner aforetiaid, may adjourn the same, the assessments for beneöts and the lands conprited within the ''Saline River Drain Special Assessment District," will be subject to review. The lollowing is a description of the severa! tracts or pareéis of land constitutin the Special Asseesment District "Í said drain. viz: Saline Township: Swv, N w K Beo. 9; W y, E '! NE! sec. 8: W H N E !i sec. S: W V, S É H sec. S: N ;.'■ N W '., XE', seo. 17: E ! ■ s sec. 8; 10 a E side N end E % part of S E % S W 54 sec. 8: that part of E ' n v i -cc 17, eastof highway, s a: that part E side N' V '; N W ü which fles south of ditch, N and Nv part L V '4 N W !., sec. 17: Vi a on north end of that part. E ' N W Ü sec, 17, which lies west of highway: UW '4 N E '4 sec. 17: Jí Vi N w ü N E h Beo 1'.': IRa we1 side N E Vi N E ü sec. 19; N w H N W , sec 19; N W % SE!, Bec 18 S E S ' M ee,'. IS: N E NV % sec V.: B W % 8 B H sec. Is: 30 a N end S W :, N WJ4seo.l7 19a 8 end E ', N W U fee. IT. which lies we.stof highway: S 30 a of W 'A W V, N K Ü sec. IS; 10 a east side of N IK a of S U E Vt N W ü sec. 18; W ! 8 W ij sec. 18; NEVt s v , Bec, IS: E i.i W ' ."N E ! sec 18; W ! E H N E .i N E ü ser. 18;.' a lS V pari of 8 F. ' N E 'i sec. is; that part west or1 ditofa W "i sec. 17: that pait E of dich W BW 'k sec. 17; 8 a S E corner E ! Í N E - sec 18; ID a Send W % of N w sec. 17: in a s . rui ï- w ' , N E Sec. 17; 10 n N end N W Á S E sec. 17; W y. E '.. W i ■ N E ' seo. 18; 8 E Ji S E M sec. 5; N ■- E'; E % N E '.! spc. S; S , E u E '4 N E i sec. S. Brldgewater township: cf S N E U sec 24; 10 11 S end S E '., s E K sec. 13; N E ■SE % sec 18; 8 E 1" acres ot V ■ N E x sec. i:; N W ', SH, seo 18: 9 W i 8 B ', sec. 13; N 80 a SB U SB Ü sec. 13; S K N F, y ,ee. 24; andalsothe townshipsof Saline and Bridgewater at large. Dated, this seventh day of Miy, . D. ISiH. DANIEL tf. B vKRY, County Drain i 'omm ssli ner oí t he Conoty of Wasntenaw To Contractors and Builders. THBBTDXLDING COviMITTEBof the Board of Supervisors of tt a-htemiw County offer for -ale. at k i ■ p ce, all the broken and un'nnken stout1 In the county stone yard on the corner oï Asbley and Wesi Anii streeis. The greati r "Hit of tht stone is broken. and especially suited for grouting pur poses. There are froin fourto -ix oords f broken stone, and two roihreeof nnbroken. Will be sold by the lo&ri. or ot lu rwle, as de.sired. Applyto the underslgned local memberot' the couimittee, at 'he migüs otfice. BI1BEKT SHANNOP. Ass ABBOR. April 2(i. ls'.u. tf


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