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Mr. Scbultz went to Detroit. Tuesdiy. on business. Ji. Kirchhofer went to Tecumseli, Tuesday, ou business. Mr. Amos Lazell went lo Anii Ari bur, Mouday, on business. W. Arnold, of ïecumseh, was in i town, Alonday, on business. Clyde liurnett, of Jackson, viaíted at C. Milien's, Monday and Tuesday. Mr. aud Mrs. McDouual, of Teeutnseh, carne to attend the funeral or Mrs. Whitniore. Miss Miiinie McAdam weut to Clinton last Saturday to spend a few days witb. her parents. Winifred Cash, of Brooklyn. spent Suuday witii her grand-pareuts, Mr. aud Mis. J. Kelly. II. Bovveu and wife went to Horton last Saturda-y to visit friends, returning home Tuesday. Tiie school has an enrolliuent of o2 papila íor the term, aud has Uul but lwo cases of tardiness. Miss Bertha Lehn speut a few days at Tecumseli last Week, visiting lier sister, Mis. V . Arnold. The ladies of the M. E. church held a social at Mrs. J. Tracey's, Tiiursda . which was largeiy attended. Mr. Eiseman, of Aun Arbor, whohas been clerking at the Lianner store the past few weeks, returued to Aun Arbor. ' There will be service at the Emanuel church next Sunday, as Kev. Schoettle went to Muskegon to attend the conference. A party of Arabs, with bears, moukeys, etc., passed through our town, Monday, and spent a day begging singing and dancing. VVill Hough, of Hastings, visited his parents over Sunday, and on returuing took with hiin his horse and carriage j which had been in his father's care over a year. Rev. Schoettle drove to Ann Arbor last Sunday to attend the exercises of the Christian Endeavor anniversary, and preached in the evening. On account of the rain the boys eoiüd not play baseball the past wee'k, and are anxiously waiting for the groauds to dry so they can renevv the sport. Miss Minnie Calkins, of Adrián, who has been giving lessons in elocution the past fevv munths, expects to give an entertainment the last of the month. About twenty membersof the Christian Endeavor society drove to Ann Arbor last Sunday to attend the anniversary held by the Anu Arbor Endeavor society. Next Sunday there will be memorial services at the M. E. church. iu the afternoon the masons will decórate the graves of the masons buried in the Oak Grove cemetery. Four more weeks before conimencement. The graduating class consists of niiie members, tour ladies aud üve ig uien. Rev. .]. C. Floyd, D. !., o; i riand Rápida, will deliver the bacc;i buréate address. The G. A. R. will decórate the soldit-rs' graves next Wednesday. The school has been invited to takë part in the exercises, and preparations are being made for the same. Should the weather prove favorable the exercises will be held ia the opeu air. Last Sunday occurred the death of Mis. N. Whitmore. For many vears she had been sufferine: with a tumor, but being so great a sufferer she was very patiënt and eheerf ui to the last. For many years she had been a resident of this place. She was a member of the W. ït, C, who attended her funeral in a body aud in part conducted the services. She lea ves a husband and a great many f riends to mourn her loss. Last Monda v niorning Mr. and Mrs. C. Millen returned from Wolf lake, and it was a shock to every one to hear that their hotel had burnt to the ground the day before. Mr. Millen and wife had been at the place several weeks making arrangetneuts, and were soon to open for the summer. Where or bow the üre originated is unknown. The boat house was .the only building on the grounds that was saved. They tried to save some of the clothing and bedding, but all in vain. The loss is heavy, as it was insured for only $1,000, and Mr. and Mrs. Millen have the sympathy of all.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News