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Women Pencil Shovers

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The fifth annual meeting of the Michigan Woman's Press Association will be held at Newberry hall next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. There are about fifty members of the association and from thirty-five to forty are expected at the meeting. Misses Emma E. Bower, E. Cora DePuy and Gertrude Buck compose the local committee that has charge of the entertainment of the guests. Arrangements have been made for a reception to the M. W. P. A. and the Ann Arbor Press club, by Miss Emma E. Bower, on Wednesday sveningfrom 9 to 11, and on Thursday evening a reception by the Alpha Phi fraternity at their residence, No 10 N. División street, to be preceded by a special faculty concert at the School of Music. Thursday will be devoted to carriage drives and visiting the University. The program arranged for the meeting is as follows: TUESDAY MORNING, 9:30 A. M. Roll call. Reading of minuets. Reports of committees. Unfinished ousiness. Reports of officers. Appointment of committees. New business. Suggestions for the good Df the association. Adjournment. TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Business meeting. Five minutes' talk by all present on "What impressed me most at the World's Fair." Original poem, Mrs. M. K. Buck, Traverse City. TUESDAY EVENING, 8 P. M. The Yellow and the Blue, IJ. of M. Glee club. Address óf welcome, Mayor C. G. Darling. Respone by Mrs. A. E. Bartlett, Detroit. Ann Arbbor Zither club. President's address. Address of welcome on behalf of the Ann Arbor Press club, Miss Emma E. Bower, Ann Arbor. Original poem by Mrs. Ada Iddings Gale, Albion U. of M. Glee club. Address- General report from the national congress of corrections and charities on woman's work, Agnes L. d'Arcambal, Detroit. Recitation - Brier Rose, Winefreda Gale, Albion. Ann Arbor Zither club. WEDNESDAY MORNING, 9 A. M. Business meeting. Election of officers. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, 2 P. M. Lengthy Editorials, Mrs. May S. Knaggs, Bay City. News Gathering in Daily Papers, Florence M. Brooks, Jackson. Short Story Writing, Mrs. Kate Brearley Ford, Detroit; Mary E. Childs, Jackson. Advertising, Emma E. Bower, Ann Arbor; Mrs. Ethelyn Clough, Brooklyn. Job Printing, E. Cora DePuy, Ann Arbor; Carrie M. Jackson, Milford. WEDNESDAY EVENING, 8 P. M. The Latest Word of the Times to Newspaper Women, Mrs. L. H. Stone, Mrs. M. E. C. Bates. The Opportunities which the Ownership and Management of Country Newspapers Offer to Women, M. Gertrude Sprague, Traverse City. Recitation - The Belle, Edgar Allen Poe, Winefreda Gale, Albion, Mich. How to gain a Foothold in Newspaper work. Discussiin by Mrs. Ida Iddings Gale and Mrs. Alice Bartlett (Birch Arnold). What is Success in Journalism? The way to it. Mrs. Irma T. Jones. Proof reading, Mary Stewart, Myrta B. Castle. Head Lines, Mrs. Kate E. Ward.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News