Strange Names Of Towns
The maps of tlie United States show that the first settlers of many of the towns and cities must have beeu at a loss for ñames. Everybody has heaxd of Ked Dog and You Bet in California, and Yuba Dam has been aecorded a line in history, but -wlien it comes to Dog Tooth of Illinois, Plea Hill of North Carolina and Fly Mountam of Ulster county, N. Y. , their existence would never be imagined unless noticed on a map or in a gazetteer. But there are many other places with naines j ust as striking - Bobtown, Pa. ; Bug Hill, N. C. ; Chewtown, Pa. ; Cut Shin, Ky. , and Fiddletown, Cal., for instance. Or if these are not sufficient there are Fussville, Wis. ; Daddy's Creek, Tenn. ; Calfkiller, in the same state, and Big Foot, in Indiana. Ohio has a Belle Center, Iowa a Calliope, Indiana a Lilly Dale, West Virginia a Little Wild Cat, Maryland a Maiden's Choice, South Dakota a Minnehaha, Wyoming a Miser, Penmjylvania a Nazareth and Illinois a Prettyman. There are others, such as Young Blood, Hls. ; Young WomanstoNvn, Pa. ; Whisky Town, Cal. ; Ty Ty, Ga. ; Big Neck, Hls., and Black Jack flourishes in MisBissippi, Kansas, Arkansas and Tennessee. To reach Bliss one has to go to Wyoming county, N. Y. , and the only state that has a Bird In Hand is ni
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News