Dexter Township
Mts. Bruen is on the sick list. Mrs. Kirkland is visiting Masou relatives. The mr.mps are quite prevalent in this place. W. Taylor spent Sunday at Whitniore Lake. Wedding bells are soon to ring in this vicinity. Born, to John Walsh aud sou, May 20, 1894, a son. Mrs. M. Guinon. of Detroit, spent Sunday witta friends, George Clark, of Futnatu, was here on business, Monday. Casper Sykes, of Pinckney, greeted old friends ou Monday. Miss Blakely, of Masou, spent the past weekin this place. Marshal Peil made nis Ann Arbor friends a cali, Tuesday. Tom James entertained his cousin from Detroit on Friday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. George Higgins a son, May 18, 1894. Mr. Dwyer and sister spent Monday with Ann Arbor friends. P. Farlum, of Pinckney. ftttended church here last Sunday. G. Stannard spent the past week at h is cottage on the Portage. Mr. Holden spent the first of the week in Livingston county, Miss M. Green is spending the week with lier sister at Hamburg. Chas. Bell paid his Ann Arbor friends a visit the past week. Mr. Maan and friend spent Sunclay in this place, visiting friends. Mr. Hamilton spent the first of the week at his home in Bay City. Mr. Williams and family are entertaining friends for a few clays. Mr. Engle and wife entertained friends from Saline over Sunday. W. Reade and mother, of Webster, made us a pleasant cali, Saturday. Samuel Wheeler and wife, of Putïam, visited here one day recently. Daniel Quish and family have been entertainiog friends from the East. Mr. Bogg and chum spent Sunday at tbe lakes with some of their friends. VVill Valentine and wife, of Harajurg, spent Sunday with her parents. Miss Mary Cope spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents in Ypsilanti. Miss Mary Vincent, of Kalamazoo, speut the past week witb her cousins. Chas. Pratt and wife, of Grand Rapds, visited relatives the last of the week. Mrs. M. Story and daughter Mary spent Saturday in Ann Arbor witb her brotber. E. Campbell shook bands witb his many friends in Pinckney on Thursday last. Wm. Asquitb, of Stockbridge, is spending the week with his sister, Mrs. S. Taylor. Mrs. John Bell entertained a minier of her friends at tea last Friday afternoon. A large basement barn is being erected on the farm recently owned by E. E. Doane. Henry Stoup, of Ypsilanti, was the guest of his daugbter and family the first of tbe week. Mrs. J. Bowler has pucbased P. Gibbon 's house in the village and will move there soon. Ernest ïteeve and cousin, Eva Hill, spent Friday as a guest of their many friends near Delhi. Mr. Ilunt, after several days' visit with bis cousins, has returued to his home at Columbus. C. Bilby is home after several monta 's stay witb bis daughter in the northern part of the state. Geo. Reason, jr., of Pinckney, bas taken a position as shipping clerk for tbe Milwaukee Harvester Co. II. W. Newkirk, L. L. James, Dr. R. B. Honey and Emery Chase have pnrchased bicycles the past week. Wm. Crofoot and family, of Saline, well known in this vicinity, will take up their resideuce in Pinckney. The members of Huron Lodge, I. O. O. F. spent Tuesday evening at the home of Chas. Rogers in Webster. Robert Flintoft and wife and Miss Lelia Flintoft, of Northfield. and Jas. Taylor and son Charles, of Chelsea, sneut Sunday with A. Taylor and family- Au ice caeam social was held at the residence of Andrew Straith last Tuesday evening for the benefit of the library at the Birkett church. A good crowd was in attendance.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News