L. Backus and wife, of Dexter, spent Sunday here. W alter Squlre'a niother, of neai ! BellevJHe, visited him last week. Miss Cieinents is with her mother wliu is daugerously ill at Ypsüanti. W. Martin, of Pinckney, was a guest at his sister's, Mis. W. H. Mulholland, over Suuday. Miss Edith Jacksou closed asuceesful term ut' school in the Camp district last Fiïday. Farmers ate re-planting corn where the recent washouts dislocated what had been dropped. Fhilo Galpin'a residence is being beauttied by the paint brush. Wna. Seaman is the offlciating artist. Childreu's Day will be observed by appropriate exercises at the M. E. cburcii Suuday ruofuiug, June 1. The Epworth League will give an ice cream and strawLerry festival at tne parsonage Friday eveuïng of this week. S. Spicer, of Colorado, joined his wit'e and children, who iiave been spending the winter at her pareiits', Mr. and Mis. T. Johnson, ot this place, last week. They went Monday for a visit to Carleton. Mrs. Sarah Winney, an old resident of this place, died at the home of lier son Yolney, Friday uight lust, aged 78 years. Funeral services were litld at the M. E. church Sunday al'ternoon, Rev. J, C. Newkirk offieiatiwg. l)eceased was three times a vvidow; she had children by each husband, aeveral of whom re ma in to mourn her loss. She had been feeble tor some time, the last lew weeks being unable to speak.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News