Weak, Nervous And Diseased Men
Thousands of Yonng and Mid'Ue Aged Men are annually swept to a premature gravo through oarly iadiacrotion vd later excesos. Self abuse and Oonetitufcional Blood Di$ ases hnve ruined and "wrecked tlie life of many a promising yoong man. Have you Sfty Of the folloríini; Symptom: Nervous and Despondent; Tired in MorningjNo Ambi(&011- Memory Poor; EasTly F tÍRviod; Excitable and Irritable; Eyee Blar; Pimples on Ct(e Face; Dreaiiis mil Drains :it Nlght; Kestless; Haggard Lookicg; Bíotebes; 8ore 'fttroat; Hair Loóse: l'ains i'i Body; dunken Eyes; Lifeiess; Distrnstfol and Lack of TSaerfy and Btrengtu. Our Afeui MtiUod Tmaimenl wili build you ap nionialiy, physically and sexually. VAszwri' Rsad os ifruMnv 2 icDráuHave JmS&& Whaí yaidí ftt'ÁñíU i m KLtUjnn Done 11 ë? " At 14 years of age I iearned a bad habit which almost ruin?rl {2r' " Y I me. I became aervoa' and weak. íly back tronbled me. I conld nli "S& Btand no exertion. Head and eyea became dull. Dreams and aT " " ' ör"'-ns Digiit weakenod me. I triedseven Medical Firms, Elecjip Jl xéfjÉiii trie Belt1}, Patent' Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me ml ífe no help. A friond advised me to trj Drs. Kennedy & Kergan. They ffiLj''ö1g 60nt me ono mocth's treatment and it cured me. I conld feel 8raSwíííf' myself gnining overy day. Their Kew Meliod Trealmení cure) when Coced in ono ní'úa? o" efae faits.'' They have cured many oL mj friends." 7% m mi na nonr imm. ' ' ■ rfvM' " Some 8 years ago I contracted a eerions conatitntional blood J. jmíii Sisease. 1 went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost p '... "-Yli.ilj killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat - Sí"! became sore, pains n limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, f f JÊl lss ' hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. ? né1&!r Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatment. It cured me, and I have } =SSr' na(' uo symptoms for uve years. I am married and happy. As a íiÉfc doctor, 1 heartily recomend it to all who have this terrible disease - Cureu o yearb ajo. typhüis." ít will eradicate the poison from the blood." cTd 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150.000 CÜRED. " I am 88 years qf age, and married. When young I led a Sff S3f ? Büy arly indiscretions and later excesses_ made trouble - f for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became i " 'x affected and I feared Bright's disease. Married lifj was nnsatisí. vg" y factory and my home nnhappy. I tried everyrtiing- all failed tilt ík r oIxnN I took treatment from Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their New iV 3l1IE! Method bailt me ap mentally, physically and sexaally. I feel S& - iKtB-tjS and act like a man in every respect. Try them." X ■ ÏW No Ñames Used Without Written Y Consent of Patiënt. Carea m nuie. ' rt... fVlai MnH.AJ Tiianfinont MYBr failsil1 curing Diseases of man. UUT lleW IVieTííOa ireatmeniit strengthens the body, stops aü drains and lossea, parifies the blood, clears the brain, bailda ap the nervoas and soxual I systeme and restores lost vitality tothe body. i We Goarantee to Care Nervous nebllity, Falling Hanhood, 9 Hy pliil íh , varicocele, -atrlcture, Gleet, (Innatural Discharges, S Weak Parts and All Kiduejr and Bladder Biseases. [ DPftJíC&JirifS) Kennedy & Kergan are the leading specialist'? of : K F IVI IVI n t lí Araerica. They gaarantee to core or no pay. Their repa. I llhlflklll Vhll tation and fifteen year3 of business are at stake. Yoa i run no risk. Write them for an honest opinión, no matter who treated you. It may f, Bave you years of regret and suffering. Charges reasonable. Write for a Question List and Rook Pree. Consultation Free.i
Ann Arbor Argus
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