The SaiO That's all Salt Is the salt overy one shonld use. The lmpuriïies in the otbcr km(ïs are useless, oí course. but clangerous fiWo. The lime, especiidly, is tlje cause of much kidney ' , dlsease. Diamond Crystal Salt Is much the purest, and therefore the best salt known. Made from the best brine, by the best procesa, wïth the best grain, and packed in the best marmer. The fact that salt is cheap 13 no reason v."hy you should not have pure salt. Ask'for Diamond Crystal, give it a fair trial. Write us for further particulars, OurDalry Salt is the standard of excellenco, and no hurtar maker shculd be without it. Address DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO., pAINT cracks It - often costs more to prepare a j house for repainting that has been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strictly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repainting and never has to be burned or scraped off on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase any of the following brands: "Anohor," "Money," "Eckstein," " Shipman," " Armstrong & McKelvy," " Sonthern," " Beymer-Bauman,'"Eed Seal," " Davis-Chambers," "Collier," " Fahnestock." , For Colors.- National „Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a 25-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching shades, and insures the best paint that it is possible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and get our book on paints und color-card, free; it will probablysave you agood many dollars. NATIONAL LEADICO. Chicago Branch, State and Fifteenth Streets, Chicaeo. wall paper: WALL PAPES. I)F ALL The Newest Designs! FRICES THE LOWSST - ATW Ö W .4 . .4,, w ; ■, W w U Wi 5 ;-: dei OltA'i 7O fr-. Svll IS) VÍCTOR CYCLES LEAD--r VÍCTOR ÏT.YER 8185.00. i f yon ure golng to rlde why not rlde the bi ■. Vietors are best .' Oall mi'i si i i '.'■-■ aDd you wul be convlnced, 6-old at M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPOK1TM. 11 W. Washington. 5t, Ann Arbor. N B.-Wo have a larse line of seoond-hand wheels wiiich we are sel Ung very cheap. , BlïSlHlMUfS AND FLOüa AND FEEO STORE, Wc keep constantly on hand BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, o. Por Wholesale or Ketail Trade. We shall also keep a supply ot GOLD DUST PLOUR. J. ET. Swlft & Oo.'s Boet White Wtant Flour, Eyo Flour, Buckwbeat Mour, Corn Meal, Fed, &c, &o„ &o„ i Wholesülr; ind Retail. A eeneral sio.-)i ol BIES vND PHOVISÏONS . . .. i:.;iy n liantl, which will he sold on as reasonable terms as al any oüier house in the city. JSgf-Cash .paid lor Bntter, Eggs, and Counoy Produce irenerallv. BY-Goods Delivered to anv part of the city wlth out extri charce. ïtinseT & Seftbolt. IMPOKTANT TO ADVERTISEBS. The cream of the country papera is found in Kemington's County Seat lists. Shrewd advertisers avail themselves of these lists, a copy of which can be had of Kemington Bros., of New York & Pittaburg.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News