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Report Of The Condition Of

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At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close oí business, Mas 4, 1894. RESOURCES. UAB1L1T1ES. Loansand Discounts, 1387,350 03 Stocks, Bonds, Mortgages, etc. 4011,231 91 Capital stock patd In I 50,000 00 Overdrafts 'ñOO 00 Surplus fuurt 150,000 00 KeauaFurnimre.'FÏxtureV and " ündivlde.l pronta H.3SX1 0!) Safetv Deppsit Vaults 9,998 20 pividends nnpaid, 355 00 Othér Rea) Estáte- .. J.W 07 Current expenses anóteles Bald.- -3,10, . DEPOSITS. gSSJSSMKSfSÍáSRri:: n83S ïniihi.-_. tb. Cheeke and caeh items 1,315 02 Certifleatus oí deposu 5,700 00 Niekelsand pennies onSSlnn Commercial deposita 188,637 14 l?itrcconr"" '.■■".::::-"-■-".■-■-■-"■"-"."-"- -"-"-". ooo Z anng Vo 585,705 79 ü S and National Bank Notes 35,300 00 ■ 11.068 750 11 V"0 U STATE OF MICHIGAN, I g8 l'hMlèsinscoek cashier of the above named bank, rfo soiemnly swear that the UK'Srt is true to' the beet of my knowledp f aad helteC. Chas. E Óiscock, Caslner. AtteBt: Chrietian Mack, W D Harnman W. B.8mlth, Directora. SubsopibedandBWorutolwforeine.thiBBihdayoi MaW. ? Fbitz Notary publlc ronitfti secnritv - 100,000 I Tóal assets, - $1,000,000.00 glíal stock Jaid in, 5O,OOO Surplus, 150,000.00 Transacts a general banking business; buya and sella exchanges on New York Detroit and Chicago; sells drafts on all the principal cities of Lurope. This bank, already having a large business, invites merchants .and others to open accounts with them wlth the assurance of the most liberal dealing conÍSt?nlfsaSvínbsaDeStmentinterc.sta rate of foor pereent, is paid semi-an uallj ol the ÜrstdHys of Jam.ary and July on all sums that were Deubel, Willard B. Smith, David insey, and L. (iruner. OFFiCERS.-Christian Mack, . resident-, W. D. Harriman, ice-President; Chas E Hiscock. Cashier, M. J. Fritz, Ass't-CastmT.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News