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SOMETIMES FATAL. n Their First Stages Piies Seem Ins;rnificant - Neglect Them and Results are Often Fatal. - Pyramid Pile Cure Cures Them so They Stay Cured. At least one-fourth of ail kind are afflicted to a greater or less degree with piles. Very often the disease is of irregular recurrence. Maybe the trouble comes only once or twice a year. Even so it unfits a man for business while it lasts. Seems like a little thing, but it produces more bad feeling than even serious sickness would. !n severe cases there is no comfort obtainable. Various salves and ointments afford temporary relief, but in a few minutes the pain returns. Each attack is a little bit wore than the last one. Itching is followed by bleeding and protrusion. Fistula foilows - surgical treatment - dtath possibly. And all this can be avoided. The discovery of Pyramid Pile Cure has made suífering unnecessary, even fooiish. By its use relief is instantaneous. It sooths the inflamed parts, heals the broken menbranes, reduces the swelling and br 1 comfort at once. The cure is permanent and the trouble will not return unless new conditions arise which produce an entirely new case. This, of course, cannot be helped, but if yu will use Pyramid Cure immediately on the appearance of the first symptom, the trouble will vanish. Druggists sell and recomraend Pyramid Püe Cure. Tbere tnay be some who do not have it, in which case they will get it, or you can get it yourself from the makers, the Pyramid Drug Co., Albion, Mich. The price is one dollar per package.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News