Democratic State Convention
The Democruts of Michigan wil] meet in state con vent Ion in the city of Grand Rapids on the 28th day of June, at 12 o'olock noon, for the parpóse of nominating party eandidates for the foJlowing state offices: Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, Auditor General, Attorney General, Commissioner of the State Land Ofice. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Member of the State Board of Edueation, and also two eandidates for United States Senators: for the select ion of a State Central Commlttee to serve for the ensuing two years, and for the transaetion of such other business as may properly come before it. According to the ruleadopted by the Democratie State Convention, held in Detroit in 1880, and sinee followed. every county in the state is entltled to one delégate to the State Convention for each SOOrotes cast for Governor at the last general election, and one additionul delégate for a fraction of not les.s than 250 votes. But each county is entitled to at least two deleg-ates. All delegates must oe residents of the county they represent. The delegates from each congressional district are requested to meet in caucüs on the day of the convention at quarters to be hereafter designated by the Central Committee and select eandidates for recommendation to the convention as follows, to-wit: Two members of the State Central Committee, one Vice-President of the Convention and one member for each ot the following cómmittees of the Convention: Credentials, Permanent Orsanization and Order of Business and Resolutions. Itwill facilítate the worktng of the Committee on it' the Secretary of eacli Couuty Convcntion will promptly forwarcl to tne beadquartersof the state Central Com■mitteein Detroit immudiately af ter the convention, a tull and accurate iit of the delegates chosen to the State Convention. Eenewlng our alleglance to the cardinal priDciples of Democracy, we cordially invite all those who have voted in the past wlth the Iiemocratic party, and all othui-swho are detiiroiis of associating with it in the future, to particípale In the oaucuses tor the election of aelegates ti this convention. DANIEL J. OAMPAÜ. FRANK II. HOSFORD, Chalrmap. Secretary. iBy H. G. COBUHN, JR., Acting Secretary. Washtenaw County is entitled to 21 deletcatee.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News