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Part Xv

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Of our Photographic Tour of the World Containing New York? Philadefphia end Boston. FOR ONLY 10 CTS. The complete series in 16 parts. Back Numbers can stiil be had. 256 Superb Art Photographs worth One Dollar each. Arranged nnder the supervisión of the well-known lecturer and prince of travelers, H. H. RAGAN, with accurate, instructiva and entertaining deöcriptions by Emma C. Bush. DON'T MISS THIS CHANCE. READY THIS WEEK ■ PART MI-ÜCAIiö Al THE WüKUTS PAIR. lioW ïo Secure fchis lii)precedeijW Offer. Cut out of the ARGTJS one of the Coupons that will appear each week and bring or send to the Argus Office with ten cents. If you bring it, the part named in the coupon will be handed you . If you mail it, the part will be mailed yon. j No. 15. June 1, 1894. il PUT II Ar9üs Colipoi). j Photographic Tour of the World. TUI O PART XV.New York, Philadelphia I lltO I and Boston! i This Coupon and 1O cents j 1 1 tles you to one Part. or j flilT endto Aii Arbor Argüs, i Aun Arbor Mich. S ! Opera House Block.


Ann Arbor Argus
Old News