New Spring Dry
GOODS AT THE OldReliable. The Largest Stock of Dress Goods ever shown in the City. 100 pieces of Serges and Henriettas, 40 inches wide at the uniform price of 44 cents per yard, alvvays sold at 50 cents heretof ore t 35 pieces of plain eolöred Cashrnere at 25 cents per yard, others ask 35 cents pev yard ior this quality. 50 pieces of Novelty Styles, All Wool, Spring Suitings, at 45 cents per yard, never sold less than 50 and 6Octs per yard. Choice styles and bargain prices in all Unes of fine Dress Fabrics. Evening Dress Goods in all styles of weaves and shades, Cream, Pink, Blue, Silver Grey and Ecru are the most prominent, inspect this line. SILKS. We are headquarters for Silk and they will be used more this year than ever before, plain Black China Silk, 50c, 75c and $1.00 per yard, unequalled values for the money. 25 Styles of the celebrated Printed India Surahs at $1.00 per yard, others who have them ask $1.25 per yard. 10 pieces printed India Silk 26 inches wide at 60 cents per yard, never before offered less than 75 cents. Black Satín Rhadame, g % t ? f f 8, Black Pean de Soie. - s - Black Satin Duchess. 4 g gr.S" Black Moire Antique. s 1 „ S S' Black Gross Grain. e S g g Black Brocades. a i' g 3 Black Surahs. o 4T . B '■ I' CAPES AND JACKETS Are the Styles for Spring Garments, and our stock is larger than ever, and range of prices and styles will afford you anything that you may desire. Don't fail to visit our Cloak Department, more attractions than the rest of the city. Wash DreS Gd$Satines at 12 1-2, 18 and 25c. Dress Ginghams, 8-10, 12 1-2, 20 and 25c Percales, Pongees, Foulards Prints and Muslins, all styles, bis: stock and lowest prices. BACH & ROATH, 26 S. Main Street, cor. Washiijgtoi).
Ann Arbor Argus
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