A Veteran's Verdict
fjl WÊÈï-'i ■■■:■■■■ 'ífJli'' '' 1 The War is Over. A Well-known Soldier, Correspondent and Journalist Makes a Disclosure. Indiana contrihuteö her thousands of brave soldicrs 10 the war, and no staie bears a better record in tbat respect than it does, In literature it is rapidly acqnlrtng an r.viable place. In war and litor.it ure Holomon Yewell, well known as a writer as "Sol," has won an honorable position. During the late war he was a meniber of Co. M, 2d. N. Y. Cavalry and of the 13th Indiana Infantry Volunteers. Regarding an important clrcumstance he writes as follows: "Several of us old veterans here are living Dr. Miles' Kestorative Nervine, Heart Cure and Nerve and Liver Pilis, all of them givins splendid satisfartion. In fact, we have never used remedies that compai'e with them. Of the Pilis we must say they are the best corablnation of the qualitics rwiuired in a preparation of their nature we nave ever known. We have none but words of praise for them. They are the outrowth of-a new principie in medicine, and tone up the system wonderfully. We say to all, try these remedies." - Polomon Yewell, Marión, Ind., Dec. 5, 1892. These remedies are sold by all drugglBte mi apositive guarantee, ur sent direct by the Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind., on receipt of price, $1 por bottle, six bottles iö, express prepaiil. They positively coutain neither opiates nor dangerous drurs. ■ Sold by Druggists Everywhere.
Ann Arbor Argus
Old News